The King, the Poet and the Knight Part V

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The Assassin

Siobhan never thought she would go to a place like this. But she had to get out of the house. Roger's lackeys had been loitering there for days.

Her footsteps echoed in the magnificent building. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen the inside of a church.

The light fell through the ornate windows and made the floor glow in all colours.

Siobhan stopped briefly in front of the altar and looked up at the cross hanging on the wall.

She didn't come here to pray, she came here to think in peace.

She sat down in the front row on one of the pews and just stared into space.

When had things got so bad with Roger? Was it ever good? What had she been thinking, getting involved with him?

A thousand questions and no answers.

She pinched her nose bridge and lingered in this position.

She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice a person approaching her.

Siobhan felt a presence next to her and looked slightly to the side.

A shock ran through her body.

"What are you doing here!" she whispered.

" I need to talk to you..."

She wanted to jump up, but the other person held her down.

"Mia, are you crazy! What if someone sees us?" her voice was stern, but still quiet.

"It doesn't matter right now. Please, I need your help..." Mia looked at her desperately, still holding her arm.

Siobhan stared into her eyes. " Fine! What do you want?"

Mia slowly let go of her arm. " Reece and Autumn want to see Roger dead... But I can't watch them ruin their lives or kill themselves trying..."

"And how am I supposed to help you? You should have realised that this would happen. You and your partners now have a target on your back!"

Mia looked at her reproachfully. "You put Marjorie on the trail!"

The blonde sat back. " Yes, I know..... but I didn't think Roger was really such a cruel person."

Mia couldn't help but roll her eyes. " Really, you couldn't have guessed? The fact that he beat up his children. Made them hate each other for over 20 years. And emotionally manipulated me when I was 17. Didn't make you think he might be a bad person?"

" Yes I know...... I was stupid..."

Mia put her hand on Siobhan's thigh. "I wouldn't call it stupidity, but recklessness. You're just as deep in it as the rest of us...Do you know what he's up to?

Siobhan shook her head. " Are they safe?"

" Yes Autumn, got Winter, Marjorie and Charlotte out of London. Until the whole thing is sorted out..."

" Good..."

There was now a brief silence between the two women.

"Siobhan... I need you to get me access to Roger's money..."

The blonde looked at her, startled.
" What?! Mia, I have no intention of dying!"

" If we cut off his money, he won't be able to pay his henchmen! Please!"

Siobhan looked her in the eyes. She had to think about whether there was another way. But she couldn't think of any.

"Okay... but you have to promise to protect me if it becomes necessary!"

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