We don't share blood

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Marjorie stopped on her way back to her office when she heard a soft humming.
She looked through the open door and saw Charlotte. Who was tidying up.

Marjorie leant against the doorframe. "My love, I'm so glad you're back."

Charlotte jumped up, startled. "Marjorie! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

The manager laughed slightly. "Sorry..."

She stepped into the room. The working day was slowly coming to an end. All the children had already gone home. She looked around. "Want me to help you with something?"

"Oh no! I'm almost finished." Charlotte said.

Marjorie wobbled back and forth a little nervously. "Charlotte... I just have to apologise to you again. This could all have been prevented. If only, I'd had gotten my head out of my arse."

"Marjorie please, it's all in the past. I'm back here. Everyone knows now what's was going on with me. After all, I wasn't exactly helpful myself."

The older woman smiled. "You're too good for this world." She looked around the room again. "Wait. Where's Carly?"

The woman opposite to her just shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea. She got a message and then said she had to go somewhere really quickly."

Marjorie put on a critical face. "I see"

With a loud bang, her colleagues burst into the room.

"SURPRISE!" shouted Carly together with Sorsha and Winter.

"What in God's name!" Marjorie almost jumped into Charlotte's arms.

Carly ran ahead and hugged Charlotte. She was closely followed by Sorsha, who was carrying a tray of muffins. Jodie was hot on there heels. The last ones were Winter and Autumn.

Autumn was practically pulled along by Winter.

"Carly, what's all this?" Charlotte asked in astonishment.

"A welcome back party!" she shouted excitedly.

Charlotte didn't know what to say. When Jodie pushed her way to the front. "Happy birthday!"

Everyone looked at her in confusion. Except Autumn, who smacked her forehead with her hand.

"Jodie, it's not my birthday," Charlotte replied, amused.

"What do you mean?! Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Sorsha looked at her questioningly from the side. "We've explained it to you three times now."

"We should have written it down for her," said Winter with a laugh.

"Still wouldn't have helped." Autumn said sarcastically. Winter nudged her lightly. "Be nice." he whispered to her.

"OK! Before we get into a discussion right now. It would make more sense if we all went to the break room. There's something to drink there too!" Marjorie announced.

"Hopefully alcohol..." said Autumn.

Marjorie looked at her seriously.

"YAY!!! Everyone in the kitchen!" shouted Carly and stormed off.

Sorsha was almost knocked over by her. "Carly! Watch out! My wife has gone to so much trouble to bake this!"

The group set off. Only Charlotte stopped for a moment.

A lot of things had changed abruptly in her life. But one thing was certain. She would always have a home here. And you don't have to be related to be a family.

"Charlotte?" Marjorie turned round. "Are you coming?"

"Of course, I can't say no to muffins!"

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