Take everything from me Part III

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Charlotte breathed heavily and knocked carefully on the door.

"Come in!" She heard shouting on the other side.

When she opened the door, her eyes and Marjorie's met immediately.

"Charlotte ....," said the manager. But her expression darkened in the same breath as she caught sight of her companion.

"Hello, Marjorie... Autumn..." Charlotte began.

The atmosphere in the room was unbearable. Mia stood next to the door with her arms crossed without saying a word.

Charlotte could see Marjorie's tense posture as she clutched the armrests. Autumn, on the other hand, had a neutral demeanour and her facial expressions were unaffected. But her eyes spoke a different language. She just stared at the red-haired woman behind Charlotte.

"We need to talk," Charlotte said.

The two women opposite glanced at each other briefly.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea with her here.", Marjorie said, trying to sound calm. But the tension in her voice was unmistakable.

"I'm only here to support Char. Especially after what happened yesterday.", Mia said bluntly.

This comment seemed to strike a nerve with Autumn. "Wasn't my brother enough? Do you have to sink your claws into Charlotte now too?" she asked.

"Oh Autumn, you'd better leave your claws in.", Mia replied with a grin.

Autumn jumped up. Mia also took a step forwards.

But Charlotte and Marjorie both stepped in immediately.

"Mia, that's enough..." Charlotte whispered, stretching her arm out in front of the other woman.

"Autumn! Sit down again! You're not going to prison because of her!", Marjorie shouted.

The two of them exchanged one last look before Mia leant back against the wall behind her and Autumn slowly took her seat again.

"I really don't know what you see in her! But the whole thing isn't you.", said Marjorie.

Charlotte looked up, "Marjorie! Please let me finally say what I think!"

This emotional outburst seemed to surprise everyone in the room.

Charlotte went on, "You don't know what I've been through in the last few months! Nobody here knows that! And I can understand that not everyone here realises straight away when I'm not feeling well!" She took a quick breath.
"I understand that Winter didn't notice. We're not that close. Or Sorsha, who hasn't been able to sleep a night in weeks! Carly is 17 years old, she has other things on her mind. I understand you too Autumn, you can't deal with emotions. But you!", now she pointed directly at Marjorie

"You of all people should have realised that something was wrong. But you're so preoccupied with yourself, it's unbearable!" Tears formed in her eyes.

"Marjorie, I split up with my husband! I've been fighting for my life here for weeks! And the only one who saw that was Mia!" Charlotte took a deep breath. Tears were streaming down her face.

Mia approached her carefully and put her hand on Charlotte's shoulder. "It's going to be okay, sweetheart..."

"I had no idea....," Marjorie just blurted out.

"That's all terrible. But you're getting involved with her?", Autumn said while starting at the red-haired woman.

Mia looked up. "I'm not the monster you think I am. Your father is to blame for everything! He used me as his puppet for 20 years!"

Marjorie and Autumn looked at her, puzzled.

"What...?" said Autumn.

"You have no idea what he's done to me. But I'm not going to unroll the whole thing now. This is about Char," said Mia.

Charlotte had now regained her composure. She wiped the last tears from her face.

Marjorie stood up and slowly approached. "I'm so sorry... I don't know what got into me. I just saw red because I thought you were going to be like Mia now. No offence." She looked at the person she was talking about.
,, None taken.", replied Mia.

Marjorie continues. "I owe you an apology too. You don't seem to be the person I thought you were. I also owe you a thank you for being there for Charlotte..."

The two Women nodded, before Charlotte just hugged Marjorie. A stone fell from the manager's heart. But she quickly noticed a penetrating look.

Mia was staring at her. She seemed to be telling her not to treat Charlotte like that again.

"The Nursery won't be the same without you, will you stay here?" Marjorie asked cautiously. Reece's words were still ringing in her ears. He had specifically told her that she was about to lose Charlotte.

Charlotte laughed lightly. "Yes, I'm staying..."

Autumn spoke up now too. "Mia... I think it would be good if we sat down with Reece. There's still some clarification needed..."

Mia smiled slightly at her, "I would be very happy about that...."

The two of them left the office. Charlotte smiled, the burden of the last few months had finally fallen from her shoulders. She suddenly noticed quick footsteps and saw Carly dashing round the corner. "We really need soundproof walls here," she said

Mia tapped on her mobile phone. "Well, now you don't have to tell everyone everything again..."

The brunette looked over at the other woman. "What are you doing?" she asked.

Mia smiled and put her mobile phone away again. "Oh, I was just cancelling my flight."

"Your flight?!"

"Yes, I'd actually booked a holiday. But that can wait. You're much more important now," said Mia, leaning towards Charlotte and kissing her on the cheek.

"I don't know what to say now..." Charlotte whispered.

"It's all right, sweetheart.... the children are still with their father tonight, aren't they? Do you want to come round later?" the redhead asked with a wink.

Charlotte could feel herself blushing. "Yes, I'd love to...."

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