The place it nearly ended

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"Fine!". Autumn slammed the front door shut.

Winter and her just had there first real fight. Over an stupid reason. The Nursery merge.

He wanted her to fight to become Manager. He said over an over, that she deserves it. But Autumn didn't want to. Been Deputy was enough, and with position as an Assistant Manager, she would be more the happy.

What Winter didn't seem to understand was that it was hard enough for her to work under her father.

Yes, she may had asked him for the job, but only because she was getting nowhere in life at that point.

Now she was free of his control. But Roger still took every opportunity to make it clear what he thought of her.

A disappointment. Just like her mother. Those words she had heard since childhood.

Autumn unconsciously walked to a place she had last visited when she was seventeen.

More memories came up with every step. How her father shouted at her. When it was a particularly bad day, he would hit her. How he criticised everything about her. She was never enough. At this point, she and Reece were also still in a fight.

Now she was a little way off the pavement. She walked through the grass into a wooded area.

Autumn remembered that day well. After a particularly bad argument with her father, she had run away from the house.

At that point in her life, everything was just bad. She was brunt out from school. No friends. When her father wasn't taking his anger out on her. She constantly overheard the arguments between Reece and Mia. And her first real boyfriend at the time had left her after her father had torn him apart over a dinner.

Autumn walked through the undergrowth, she was now in the same place she had been over fifteen years ago.

She stepped up to the wire mesh fence, which was torn in some places, behind it was a railway track.

She gripped the fence with her hand and leant her forehead against the metal,  closing her eyes.

Back then, she had stood there for hours before lying down on the track. With the thought of ending it. But when the train came, she became scared and had jumped up before it could have reached her.

Now she was standing here again. This time however not which the inten to kill herself. Why would she now, she had no reason.

But right now she was wondering. What would have happened if she had stayed there.

How would the lives of everyone she knew have turned out then?

Would Reece have been able to live with it? Would he still be with Mia?

What would have become of Mia? Would she still have met Charlotte?

Where would Winter be now? Would he be happy? Maybe even married?

And Marjorie, would she ever have come out of her dark time. Or as she calls it, her Villian area?

Autumn's heart beat faster. What would have happened if she hadn't been afraid and had stayed put?

The sound of a train snapped her out of her thoughts.

She just stared as the train rushed past her.

No, she should stop thinking about it. She was still here and happy about it.

Winter jumped up as soon as he heard the door open. He had been so worried. Autumn had been gone for hours.

He saw her standing in the corridor. She said nothing and just ran up to him and fell into his arms.

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