Take everything from me Part II

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Mia stroked Charlotte's back.
She heard her muffled crying. She hadn't thought it would be this bad after Reece's phone call.

She felt Charlotte's embrace loosen. Then she slowly leant back and looked up at Mia.

"Thank you... for coming..." she whispered.

Mia smiled. "Always for you, sweetheart."
She sat down next to her on the bar stool.

"What happens now?" she asked.

Charlotte reached for her glass and took a big sip. "I have to get out of there .... Things aren't going to get any better between me and Marjorie."

Mia raised her eyebrow and tilted her head. "You know, before I started there. I did some research on Marjorie. She was always like this a few years ago."

Charlotte looked at her in surprise. "Yes, that's true, but too much has just happened."

"Charlotte, you finally have a backbone. Don't give up so easily now," said the redhead, reaching for the other woman's hand.

Charlotte's heart jumped slightly.

Mia continued. "Shall I go with you to Marjorie? If need be, I can give her a proper head-washing."

Charlotte laughed. Which also brought a smile to Mia's face.

"Do you want to mess with the guard dog? "

Mia leant forwards slightly. "Who do you think showed Autumn her moves?" she said with a wink.

Mia! Seriously now?" Charlotte shouted, startled.

"Well, I'm full of surprises ....." She said and stroked Charlotte's ring with her finger. "And what about this?"

Charlotte bit her lower lip nervously. "My marriage has been over for about three years. We've grown so far apart. But I only had the courage to finally ask for a divorce two months ago..."

Mia squeezed her hand tightly.

"But everything's ok, Mia. We're doing great with the children. He already has his own flat. I can stay in the house. It's fine," she quickly tried to justify herself.

"And you've been carrying all this around with you ever since? No wonder you lose your temper at some point," Mia said.

Charlotte looked at her. "You broke the camel's back...."

She was looked at in astonishment. "What? Me? Was it the roses? Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, or make you feel uncomfortable."
Mia wanted to pull her hand back quickly, but was stopped.

"I didn't think anyone would give me the attention that my husband did before.... ..... But you... You saw through me immediately and understood me.... When you left, I didn't know what to do next..." Charlotte put her hand on Mia's thigh.

"Well... I just have a feeling for people. What else do you have planned for tonight Sweetheart?"

Charlotte blushed slightly. "I wanted to go home soon. But as you can imagine, the children aren't here at the moment. The house is so lonely... Do you want to come with me?"

Mia smiled. "Of course sweetheart..." she stood up and took out her purse. "How much?"

"Oh god! No Mia! You don't have to pay for my drink," Charlotte said quickly.

The redhead leant forwards. "But I want to..."

"So now slightly to the right.... And there it is. You can just pull into the driveway."

The car came to a halt.

"Nice house," said Mia.

"Thank you..."

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