That's my girl!

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"What are you doing here?" Marjorie looked up in surprise when she saw the person in the doorway.

"I've heard that Siobhan is making your life difficult and doesn't want to take on any new trainees." Mia smiled slightly.

" Yes! She's driving me crazy!"

Mia crossed her arms and leaned against the desk. "That's why I'm here, as a member of the board of directors I have influence over the recruitment of new people... Send me the girl's application and I'll see what I can do."

" Thank you Mia....."

" Uuuh that must have been difficult for you?" she laughed lightly. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

Marjorie talked like a waterfall, or rather she complaint about the behaviour of the Head Office. Mia listened with one ear, but her gaze was directed out of the window.

She was watching Charlotte as she stood by her car waiting for her.

Mia had to smile slightly, she was so cute standing there. The wind was blowing gently, making her hair dance slightly.

" Mia? Are you actually listening to me?"

The redhead looked at the manager.
" But of course Marjorie, go on."

Marjorie rolled her eyes, but then continue talking.

When Mia looked out of the window again, she saw a man standing next to Charlotte.

She furrowed her eyebrows and focussed her gaze on the guy.

He was standing next to her girlfriend and talking to her. Charlotte looked like she was uncomfortable having this conversation.

He came a little closer to her and Charlotte took a small step back.

That was enough for Mia, she straightened up to get a better view of the situation, but Marjorie's talking disturbed her concentration.

"Marjorie, can you shut up for a minute!"

"Hey!" Marjorie jumped up from her office chair. But she quickly realised that Mia's attention was focused on the car park. She followed the redhead's gaze and saw the situation there.

The man again took another step closer to Charlotte.

"That's enough!" Mia hissed.

She had barely spoken these words when something happened that nobody had expected.

Charlotte lashed out and punched the man in the face.

He stumbled back and held his nose.

Charlotte immediately shook her hand that she used for the punch. It must have hurt her too.

"Oh my God!" cried Marjorie.

"That's my girl," whispered Mia.

Charlotte flinched slightly when the ice touched her hand.

The entire back of her hand hurt, her knuckles had turned slightly red and her thumb was also unbearably sore.

" That was quite a blow..." Mia held her girlfriend's hand and kept the ice on it.

" I think I broke his nose...."

Mia laughed. " Good! The pervert had it coming!"

The brunette looked up at her girlfriend.
"But I still feel bad."

" Oh sweetheart... you're too good for this world..." Mia leaned forwards and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I didn't think it would hurt so much to hit someone..." Charlotte whispered.

Mia had to laugh again." Well, it does with the wrong technique. I will show you how to do it properly, sweetheart."

Marjorie entered the staffroom. "So the police have taken care of the guy. Are you all right Charlotte?"

She nodded.

" Good. My God I feel like the Nursery is magically attracting drama..."

Charlotte and Mia looked at each other briefly, before there couldn't help but to laugh.

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