The Owner's Pet Part III

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Hello, so here is the monster of a chapter and also the end to "The Owner's Pet". I hope you like it. 😁

Trigger warning: Physical violence and of course Roger

"Mia? We need to talk." , Reece stood in the doorway to the office.

The redhead looked up questioningly. "I thought you were at this manager training all day today?"

The man rubbed the back of his neck nervously. " I left early."

Mia raised her eyebrow sceptically.

"That between us. Doesn't make sense any more. I want to split up."

The words hit her like a blow. Not because she loved Reece, no that wasn't it.

Roger will kill me. She screamed inwardly.

Mia stood up. "Reece no! You can't just do that!", She shouted desperately.

But he just shook his head.

Anger rose up inside Mia. She reached for the stapler on the desk and threw it at Reece. It narrowly missed him and smashed against the wall.

Mia was sitting in the interrogation room. In hindsight, was it such a good idea to drive her car into Marjorie's? Well, she had already paid a price. Her nose was still bleeding. Winter had caught her really well.

The door opened and a policeman entered.
"Well, Mrs Robert. Everything has been paid for, you're lucky that no charges have been laid. You can go now."

He accompanied her to the waiting area of the police station, where Roger was already waiting for her.

Mia felt her heart rate rise. She wanted to scream. But her whole body stiffened.

Roger smiled at the policeman. "I must apologise again for my employee, that will never happen again. Come on Mia."

She walked slowly after him. As soon as they were outside, he grabbed her arm. "What the hell was that!"

But Mia couldn't answer, she just shrugged her shoulders.

Roger opened his car door and pushed her inside.

A few days had now passed since the incident. Mia was currently in charge of Sister Nursery, because Reece was ill. She was in a kind of competition with Marjorie to see who was the better manager. What exactly Roger mission was with that, she couldn't answer.

That she was still among the living at all was also a mystery to her. But Roger still seemed to be giving her a chance.

She was now on her way to Roger's office. He wanted to announce the result of the competition. Marjorie was already there.

The brief exchange of words between the two was immediately ended by Roger and, much to Mia's surprise, Marjorie won.

" How is that supposed to help me? How am I supposed to get between Reece and Marjorie if you send them on holiday together?" asked Mia. Fear rose up inside her.

Roger had a relaxed attitude and smiled at her. They were both standing in his office by the large table. Marjorie had already left.

Mia got no answer from the man, which worried her even more. She made the mistake of stepping closer to him to ask him again.

But before another word could leave her mouth, he grabbed her by the neck. With full force, he slammed her onto the tabletop. The air left her lungs. Her whole back ached.

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