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Well, I did it. I wrote my first smut. 😅

Let's see how this pairing goes down, I haven't seen it anywhere yet.

If there was one thing Charlotte hated, it was being sent of to the Sister Nursery by Marjorie.

The day couldn't get any worse, first the argument with her husband and now this.

Unfortunately, she had no other choice. So the brunette set off.

As soon as she entered the building, her mood took a turn for the worse. She entered one of the classrooms.

"Hello. I'm supposed to help out here today?" her voice was uncertain and quiet.

The other woman gave her an annoyed look. "Do I look like the information desk? Ask Siobhan!" With that, Charlotte was left standing there.

Of course, the day had to get worse.

As Charlotte entered the office, she was confronted again with how much she hated everything here.

Siobhan was sitting at her desk. She seemed to be writing a report.

"Hello Siobhan... where do you need me?"

"Here...", the blonde didn't even give her a glance.

Questions began to fill Charlotte's head. So she remained standing where she was.

Siobhan put her pen down with a bang and looked up. Her grey eyes looked at her piercingly.

"I need you here. Help me with the paperwork." She pointed to the desk opposite her.

Charlotte was absorbed in her work. She didn't dare speak or even look in the manager's direction.

Even though she was fully focussed on the report in front of her. Part of her thoughts were with her husband. The argument was still in her bones. How could she have married such an immature mummy's boy. Who set his mother on her after every little discussion.

Her marriage was a laughing stock. But how was she ever going to get away from him again? He brought the money into the house and she couldn't just look for a new job that would provide for two children and a house.

Charlotte exhaled loudly. The work was out of her head. Her thoughts were everywhere but here. So she just stared into space. At least that's what she thought. In truth, she was looking at the woman sitting opposite her.

Siobhan had been watching her the whole time. In some way, she was fascinated by her. Charlotte came from a different world to her. She wasn't rich, she couldn't do what she wanted, when she wanted. She had no power, no control. And yet she was a strong woman. And Siobhan wanted to break her.

She wanted to use her, take advantage of her, bring some excitement into her regular life. Siobhan was bored with everyday life, with Roger, he was only there to finance her life anyway, she wanted a challenge.

So Siobhan arranged for Charlotte to work for her permanently. Much to Marjorie's displeasure.

Charlotte chewed on her pencil. When a coffee mug was suddenly placed on the table next to her.

"Thank you.", she said.

Siobhan didn't answer her. She took a seat at her desk. She immediately felt Charlotte's gaze on her. How easy she was to see through. A few compliments here and there, a few attentions and a bit of small talk and she had Charlotte almost where she wanted her. She really didn't get any attention from her husband when it was so easy.

The morning was almost over and break time was about to begin.

"Char? Are you finished?" Siobhan's voice was gentle for a change, with no hint of sarcasm.

Charlotte nodded. She got up to bring her the papers. She placed them carefully on the desk in front of Siobhan.

"I'd like to take a break now..." the brunette spoke carefully.

"Not so fast." The blonde raised her finger. "There's a spelling mistake here."

"What? That can't be right." Charlotte leaned down to get a better look at the paper. Siobhan let her eyes roam over Charlotte. The things she would like to do with her.

But Charlotte quickly realised that there was no mistake on the paper.

"It's so easy to make you feel insecure..." Siobhan laughed lightly. She got up from her office chair. She looked Charlotte up and down conspicuously. "You've always been a good girl, haven't you? Always done what you were told? But what good did it do you in the end?" She came closer and closer to Charlotte, who tried to dodge. But the desk stopped her.

Siobhan realised that she almost had the other woman in the palm of her hand.

Charlotte had a surprised expression on her face. She seemed to want to say something, but she didn't have the words. She tried to maintain eye contact with Siobhan. But she couldn't manage it. On top of that, the blonde kept pushing her. So that she was almost touching her.

Siobhan placed her hands on the desk next to Charlotte and leant forwards. Her lips brushed against the other woman's neck. Who let out a sound of surprise.

Siobhan smiled, the sound was like music to her ears. She pushed the other woman further back. And let her lips rest completely on her neck.

Charlotte's heart raced, she wanted to break free. To run away. Leave it all behind her. But she couldn't. She had to admit to herself now how much she actually needed this. Attention, even if it was just an act. Even if she was just a toy.

Siobhan slid a hand down the brunette's hip, reached under her thigh and yanked it upwards. She pushed Charlotte further back until she was sitting on the desk. Slowly, she let her lips slide down to the woman's collarbone. Charlotte's rapid breathing was palpable.

Siobhan didn't want to waste any more time, it was time to get what she had been working for all those weeks.

With her free hand, she reached for the woman's neck. Siobhan lifted her head and pressed her lips to the woman's.

How greedy Charlotte was. How easily she granted her entrance with her tongue.

Siobhan let her hand wander from Charlotte's hip under her dress and placed it between her legs.

She could feel the heat and heartbeat there. Without wasting another second, she pushed her knickers aside with her fingers and gained entry.

Charlotte groaned and threw her head back. A sight that the blonde only enjoyed.

"You're mine.", Siobhan whispered. She sped up her thrusts. Charlotte moved her hips in rhythm with her.

The brunette gripped the edge of the table so tightly that her knuckles were already turning white. She could hold back no longer and moaned loudly. But a hand placed itself over her mouth.

"Not so loud..." with these words, her neck was kissed again.

Siobhan felt it tighten around her fingers, she had soon brought the other woman to her climax. She herself also noticed her own arousal. This feeling was worth more to her than having an orgasm herself.

Finally, Charlotte made a squeezing sound and her body relaxed.

Siobhan slowly withdrew her fingers and licked them.

Charlotte couldn't tell how she managed to regain her composure. Or how she managed to get out of the office. Now she was sitting in the break room, unable to touch her food. How would she ever explain this to anyone? How would she be able to continue working here? And how in God's name was she supposed to get through the rest of the day? With this woman in one room.

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