And with that, I lost everything

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Hello, I'm back with a new story.

I just want to give a trigger warning.
!Death, depression, suicide!

So if you're not in the right headspace right now, read something else instead.

For the rest, have fun?😅

It was a cold morning in London. The streets were waking up and the sun was slowly rising. And Sorscha was already on her feet.

,, No Marjorie, it's really ok for you to ask me.....Yes I know you're only doing this because you don't have anyone else.... No really, I'll get ready and be there... Right at eight o'clock... ok, see you later then..." she hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

She could already feel her wife's eyes on the back of her neck. She was sitting on the bed with her arms folded.

"You're where at eight o'clock?" she asked sternly.

Sorscha turned around carefully. "Babe...., I'm really sorry. But there's an absolute wave of illness going round the Nursery. And Marjorie doesn't have anyone else to fill in..."

Clodagh looked at her seriously. "But you know I have an appointment with the gynaecologist today."

Sorscha slapped her forehead with her hand. All those sleepless nights were really starting to affect her memory.

"Oh crap! Yes, that was today..."

But Clodagh began to smile slightly. "You're so sweet... It's ok darling. I understand that you don't want to let your colleagues down." She started to stand up carefully, which wasn't so easy with the baby bump.

"No babe! I'll call Marjorie right back! And tell her I can't come in," said Sorscha desperately.

But her wife waved her off. "I can do it on my own and besides, I have my next appointment soon."

Sorscha stepped over to the bed and helped her up. "You don't want to drive yourself, do you?"

This comment earned her a critical look. "I'm pregnant! Not sick! Don't worry about it. Just be back home as soon as possible." She gave Sorscha a kiss.

She nodded. "Three o'clock at the latest."

Clodagh laughed lightly. "I certainly hope so. And now get ready. I love you."

It was a stressful day at the Nursery. Winter was already at home with a fever. Carly had also called in sick after an hour's work.

Marjorie was in the rooms and tried to help everywhere, while Autumn was in the office with an obvious fever. But she refused to go home.

Lunchtime arrived and Sorscha took her break with Charlotte.

"Damn it! I forgot my lunch at home.", she cursed quietly.

Charlotte heard the comment. "You can have some of mine. I packed too much."

"Thanks Charlie! You really are a lifesaver." She sat down next to her.

Charlotte pushed a sandwich over to her.

"You look really tired, Sorscha. Does Clodagh still have her bad pregnancy heartburn?"

The Irish woman just nodded. "I already promised Clodagh. As soon as the little one arrives and is a bit older. I'll pay for a spa weekend for her."

Charlotte laughed. "My husband never did that."

"Well, that's why he's your ex-husband now."

Charlotte laughed out loud. "You're probably right."

But their shared break was cut short when Autumn entered the room. She really didn't look well. But she tried not to let it show.

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