It all fell down Part IV

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The young girl ran quickly through the office building. Today was finally the day, she would sign her employment contract and start as an apprentice at the Knight Nursery in August.

She couldn't hide her smile as she finally arrived at her uncle's office door. As the owner, he was here most of the time.

"Hey Uncle Reece!" she called out as she opened the door, but to her surprise, it wasn't her uncle at the desk, but one of the oldest members of the board of directors.

"Hello," she said coolly, looking over her glasses at the girl.

"Where's Reece?"

She exhaled in annoyance. "There's been an incident at the Nursery. Apparently a group of preschoolers got stomach problems." She noticed Jennifer's face contorted with disgust. "Do you still want to start training with us?"

"Of course!" she said quickly.

The older woman nodded and placed the contract in front of her. Jennifer quickly signed it.

"Good, then welcome."

The girl smiled from ear to ear.
"Thank you, Grandma."

She immediately got a dirty look.
" Excuse me!"

" Oh... Sorry... but you dated my grandfather once...."

" That was a long time ago! I'm Mrs Serpent to you!"

Jennifer decided to pop into the Nursery and found her aunt and uncle in the manager's office.

"Has the situation calmed down?" she asked cautiously.

Marjorie ran her fingers through her hair. "Yes. But I wouldn't go to the preschool room right now..."

Reece smiled at her. "And Jen? Signed your contract?"

Jennifer nodded proudly.

Marjorie hugged her." It's been a long time since we've had a seventeen-year-old apprentice."

The office door opened and a boy walked in. He was tall and had light brown hair that hung in his eyes. " Mum... Dad... can you lend me some money, I want to get something for lunch."

Jennifer turned round quickly.
"Nate? What are you doing here?"

He sighed. " Hey cousin... School internship..."

" How about you two get something to eat?" Reece said, handing his son some money.

"Shotgun Greek!" shouted Nate.

Jennifer rolled her eyes." We had that last time!" She hit him on the arm.

"Ouch! Can you at least hit me on the other arm! So that both are equally bruised!"

Jennifer grinned at him." No." She hit him again on the arm.

"Just you wait!" Nate tried to reach for her, but she was quicker. The two of them ran out of the office.

Marjorie looked after them, she noticing Reece taking a deep breath. She stepped next to him and took his hand. " Are you ok, my love?"

" Sometimes it's like I see myself and Autumn as children when I watch them..."

Marjorie put her hand on his cheek and looked at him sympathetically.

The two looked out of the window and saw the teenagers chasing each other across the car park. When a black motorbike drove into the car park and stopped next to them. The rider took off his helmet.

Marjorie had to squint to recognise who it was.

" Is that ....Quinn?"

Jennifer and Nate were chatting with her, while Quinn sat proudly on her motorbike.

Quinn shared her mum's long light brown hair, which she always wore in a thick braid. But she had adopted the Irish dialect of Sorscha.

"I didn't know she had a motorbike," said Reece.

As if that was a cue, their heard loud footsteps passing the office. Sorscha stomped past, mobile phone to her ear.
"What do you mean, you let her buy it!".... I know she's eighteen years old!".... Clodagh, I'm worried enough as it is!"

Marjorie and Reece saw Sorscha step out of the Nursery and walk over to the group.

Judging by the look on Quinn's face, her mum wasn't exactly thrilled with her new ride. Nate and Jennifer stood by and giggled.

A flash of realisation went through Marjorie. " Oh God, Reece. Get out quickly! Nate will probably want a motorbike when he turns eighteen! Talk him out of it!"

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