The New Girl

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Calum's P.O.V

"But I really do like you. Please, just give me a chance?" I asked May.

"No, get away from me, creep," she said as she ran off in disgust.

I sighed to myself. "Was there something wrong with me? Am I really that ugly?" I thought. I had asked three other girls this month if they would go out with me, but they all ended in a negative. I sighed again. Maybe there was something wrong with me. I actually, truthfully, did like all of them... That's probably why I have such bad luck.

"Dude, you're way too desperate, you gotta let them come to you" Luke said to me.

"Easy for you to say. You attract girls like a magnet".

"Women, they're women".

"Right," I said as I walked off.

Luke and I aren't really close friends. I'd say, at best, mild acquaintances. I'm not really close with anyone at my school. It takes time for me to make friends. Too bad I'm not a social butterfly like Luke. The bell rang and I walked slowly to class, but there were other people crowding around me. A huge mass of people trying to get to their classes. I got shoved into the wall, but tried to keep walking. Then I fell on the floor. I looked up to see a beautiful girl who I've never seen before. I stood up to see that I was in the office. "Ahh, he will show you around the school," Miss Alice, the school secretary, said as she was pointing to me. I pointed to myself and gave the secretary a confused look. "Yes, you. Will you show our new student around the school today?"

"Oh, uhh- yeah, sure," I stuttered.

She smiled at me and no doubt in my mind, I knew I was going to fall hopelessly in love with her and most likely get my heartbroken.

"Uhh- I'm Y/N," she said as she smiled.

"I'm Calum," I said and gave her a smile.

There was an awkward moment between us where we didn't say anything.

"So, what classes do you have?" I asked.

She handed me her schedule and I skimmed it over. Hmm, too bad we didn't have the same schedule. Ugh, what was I thinking? I just met her. I've got to stop doing this all the time.

"Okay, I'll show you where your first class is," I said handing back her schedule.

By now, all the people had gone to their classes so it wasn't crowded anymore. I led her out of the office and we walked down the hall, silently.

"So, umm, h-how do you like it here?" she asked quietly. She was so cute.

"It's good. Quite boring, but that's what school is".

She smiled, "Yeah, that's true".

We continued walking, I looked at her, realizing how short she was compared to me.

"Oh, do you want to put your books in you locker?" I asked her.


"What's your number? Err- locker number, sorry"

She laughed lightly and smiled, "142".

I led her to her locker and she set her notebooks and a few books in her locker.

We walked toward the classroom.

"Here's your class," I said.

"Thanks," she smiled at me.

"Do you want me to walk you to the rest of your classes?" I asked her before she went in.

"Well if you have something else to d-".

"No, I don't. I'll take you to the rest of your classes today, if that's okay with you?" I said, but came out as more of a question.

"Alright, thanks," she said with a smile.

She walked into her class and I started heading towards mine. 

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now