Discharged and Song Writing

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Calum's P.O.V.

"Hey, you," I said to Y/N, giving her a kiss.

"Hey, Cal," she said as we walked toward the car.

Liz dropped me off at my house, and I asked Mum to drive me to the hospital.
"So what's going on with you?" she asked while in the car.

I told her about today, starting when Luke rudely interrupted my sleep in the morning and ending with now. It felt nice talking to her again, even if she was just listening.

"Dang, Louis Tomlinson. Congrats," she said with a smile.

I laughed, "we're going to Luke's house. Is that okay?"

"Why are you asking me? I don't care where we go."

We continued talking, and she told me about the hospital, mostly about the terrible food and the blood tests. She still has a few bruises, but luckily, no internal bleeding.

When we got to Luke's, we couldn't really think of anything. We were trying to get the last of our creativity out, but it just wouldn't flow. Luke was a little sad because Aleisha broke up with him.

"I just... I just want to be beside her and... stuff," he sighed.

"Maybe you can take your... sadness... and write it down on paper, and then you would have a new song?" Y/N said, but came out as more of a question.

"That's a good idea, Y/N," Ashton said.

"Thanks," she said to herself with a slight smile on her face.

"Here, write your sorrows down on this," Michael said, throwing Luke a red notebook and a pen.

"Thanks for all the sympathy," Luke said sarcastically as he opened the notebook and thought about what to write down.

"So how was the hospital?" Michael asked Y/N.

"It was okay. Three days of solitude could've been worse," she said.


"I'm done," Luke said loudly, and got up, stretching his arms. It was now 10 at night. Michael was sleeping on the ground, Ashton was criticizing Luke's work as he wrote, Y/N was leaning on my shoulder taking a nap, and I was bored.

"Wake up you lazy arses, I'm Josh Dun with this work of art!" Luke said, shaking Michael awake.

"Isn't your mum gonna be worried where you are, Michael?" Ashton asked.

"Eh, she'll get over it," Mike shrugged.

"Well, we gotta start singing," Ashton said, grabbing the guitars.


"Oh my god! I am so tired!" Michael shouted.
"We all are, stop complaining," Ashton said.

"Well, good freaking god it's finally done," I said, sipping more of my coffee. Y/N's head was leaning on my shoulder with my arm around her, sleeping.

"Here! We're done. Here's the CD, get out of my house, goodnight," Luke said, getting up and walked upstairs.

"It's five in the morning, where are we supposed to go?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I'm just gonna sleep here," Ashton said. He grabbed a blanket and laid down on the couch. I sighed, leaning my head on top of Y/N's head, slowly falling asleep. 

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