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Y/N's P.O.V.

I heard Dad yell angrily behind us as we kept running. We went down the stairs, I almost fell, but Calum kept me balanced. We found the doors and ran outside.

"Shit, she's not here," he said.

"What do we do?" I asked, a little panicked.

"Let's go to the main entrance," he said. We jogged to the main entrance and got in Calum's mom's car.

"You two want to go home?" she asked.

"Yeah," Calum said, breathing hard.

When we got home, well Calum's home, we ate dinner and played video games. Then, we decided to watch a movie. While Calum and I were cuddling and watching the movie, my phone buzzed. I reached over and it said I had a text from an unknown sender...

Unknown: Move back to America or you'll regret it.

"Calum?" I asked. He paused the movie and looked at me.

"Yeah?" he asked with a sweet smile on his face.

"Look at this," I said, showing him the text that was sent to me.

"Is it Mason?" he asked.

"I don't know, it could be. I should probably block the sender". I blocked the person, but then received another text from another Unknown sender.

Unknown: Don't try to block me, I've got hundreds of numbers. Move back or you'll regret it later.

"Another text?" Calum asked, moving closer to me.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," he said, kissing the top of my head. 

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now