A Challenge

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Luke's P.O.V.

I walked into the band room to see two familiar faces.

"Hey Michael and Calum, what're you doing here?" I asked.

"Michael won't let me play the guitar even though he's had it for the entire morning," Calum explained.

"You two sound like children. Calum, why didn't you walk Y/N to class?" I asked.

"Damn, I forgot," he said looking a little guilty.

"You like her, right?" I asked.

"Umm... y-yeah," he mumbled.

"Then ask her out," Michael said, chiming in.

"I can't just ask someone who I just met-"

"Dude, if you like her, then ask her. I don't care if you just met, ask her. She seems to like you too," I said.

"Really?" Calum asked excitedly.

"Who knows, we'll never know unless you ask her," Michael said.

"If you don't ask Y/N out by the end of the week, then I will," I said.

"Do you even like her?" Calum asked me.

"I'm not going to say I don't," I said.

The bell rang.

"Better go pick her up".

Calum jogged out the door.

"Are you actually going to ask her?" Michael asked.

"Maybe, I just wanted to give him some motivation. Now let me play the guitar," I said. 

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