Anything For You

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Calum's P.O.V.

I ran towards her.

"Y/N!" I yelled. She looked at me and her face lit up with a smile, but then went back to a frown. She looked around and pushed that familiar person down. All the boxes he was carrying fell on top of him.

"Cal!" she said, running towards me.

"Where'd you go?" I asked her, hugging her tight.

"Y/N!" a loud voice yelled. Her dad was running towards us with an angry face.

"Y/N, Mum's outside," I said. I grabbed her hand and we ran as fast as we could towards the entrance.

"Y/N Y/L/N! Get back here, now!" her dad yelled, but we ignored him.

"Excuse me, miss. You must go back to him," a lady said, stopping us from running.

"Why?" she asked.

"He's your father and he's worried about you. Go back to him," she said.

"Lady, no. You don't know what's happening and you have no right to make me go back to him," she said, pushing her out of the way. The lady grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her from me.

"You're a minor and he is your gaurdian. You will be going back to him, now," the lady said. Y/N's dad stopped running and took Y/N from the lady.

"Don't you do that again, young lady," he said, angrily, looking at Y/N and grabbing her wrist tightly.

"And you! Don't you dare take my daughter away from me!" he yelled, facing towards me.

"He didn't take me he-"

"Don't, Y/N. Are you the one who slept with my daughter?" he asked me.

"Dad! Let go of me!" Y/N yelled.

"Y/N! We're going back to America to get away from people like him!" he yelled. There was nothing I could do... There was nothing I could say for Y/N to be let go.

"Dad!" she yelled.

"Y/N, no. Trevor is Mason's friend and has been for awhile. Trevor told Mason what you were doing because Mason cares about you. Mason told me and skipping classes to hang out with a bunch of teenage boys is not okay! Australia has changed you, Y/N, and not in the good way," he said.

Y/N looked at him in disbelief. She bit his arm and he let go.

"Ow!" he yelled.

Y/N ran out the doors of the airport and I ran after her. Her dad right behind me. She ran across the crosswalk and I quickly caught up her.

"Where's your mom?" she asked, looking behind her to see where her dad was. He was stuck waiting on a bunch of cars to pass.

"Over there," I said, pointing in the direction where Mum was. We ran towards the car and got in the back, slamming the doors shut. Mum put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking space, but then she slammed the breaks. We looked to see Y/N's dad standing in front of the car. We couldn't go anywhere due to cars parked on both sides of the car.

"I'm gonna take you to court for kidnapping my daughter if you take her anywhere!" he yelled.

"Goddamnit!" I yelled.

"Calum," Mum scolded me.

"No, Mum, I'm taking care of this," I said, getting out of the car. I walked up to him and tried to look as confident as I could.

"Sir, Y/N doesn't want to be with you. Will you listen to her, please? She's your daughter an-"

"Exactly, she's my daughter. Don't you dare tell me what to do and what Y/N wants. I know her better than you ever will," he said, raising his voice.

"You've been telling her what she wants everytime I see you. You tell her to be with Mason and you tell her to go back to America. You're not even listening to her side of the story! She is-"

"No, don't you even say what she is. I know what she is. She's just a girl who will live under my roof with my rules. If your mother takes her away from me, I will take you and your parents to court," he said. I didn't really know what else to say so he spoke up again...

"So, I suggest you let me have my daughter before I call my lawyer," he said. I looked in the car and look at Y/N, sadness in her eyes.

"Look at your daughter, does she look happy in your care?" I asked.

"She's moving, every kid is sad about moving," he said.

"She's moving back to a place she didn't like. She didn't like being with Mason and all her other friends moved away. How do I know this? I actually listen to her," I said.

"You don't know a thing about Mason or who he is. He i-"

"I know who he is. I know what he did. I know he tried to rape Y/N when he was over at your house. I know he was mildly abusive during their relationship. I know he is a selfish bastard who you care more about than your own daughter. Listen to her. If anyone doesn't know anything about Mason, it's you. You haven't lived with him. You haven't been around him for more than a day. You haven't been there for your daughter. No, instead, you slapped her. She ran away from you and didn't tell anyone where she was going because she found out you were moving her back. She's clearly unhappy, will you just accept that? Accept the fact she doesn't want anything to do with Mason and she doesn't want to go back to the U.S," I said.

Mum came out of the car and looked at Y/N's dad.

"Go back in the car," Mum said. I did what she told me to.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked me as I closed the door to the car.

"I'm fine. I tried to talk to your dad but... he just doesn't seem to listen to anyone unless it's to support his idea," I said. She scooted closer to me and hugged me.

"Cal, you don't have to do this," she said. I hugged her back and looked her in the eyes.

"I'd do anything for you".

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now