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Calum's P.O.V.

"You're the best Cal," she said and hugged me. I smiled and felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Do you want to hang out after school? Like,  just go see a movie or do something fun? Maybe it'll get your mind off things for a little bit," I said.

"Yeah, that sounds great," she said.

"Do you want to go back inside?"

"Can we stay out here? It's nice outside," she said.

"Yeah, it is nice," I said.


"Ready for lunch?" Michael asked me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna get Y/N first though".

"Wait, did you ask her?" he asked.

I nodded my head.

"I wouldn't really consider it a date, it's just to get her mind off things and do something fun," I said.

"Get her mind off things?" Michael asked with a smirk.

"You know what I mean, she has some... stuff going on in her personal life right now and I just want to make her feel better".

"Mhmm, make her feel better, I see".

"Stop it, we're friends. Not friends with benefits. Now, I'm gonna go get her" I said.

"Alright, mate".

I walked to her class and she was standing outside the door talking to Luke.

"Luke?" I asked.

"Whassup, Calum? We were about to head down to lunch, you coming to?" he asked me.

"Yeah, sure, I guess," I said.

Luke began to walk fast through the crowded hallway. Y/N and I intertwined our fingers and began to follow him.

"You guys walk so slow, I want to eat now, not in ten years," Luke said, not looking back at us.

"Excuse us if we don't have freakishly long legs," I said.

Y/N let out a cute, small laugh.

"You're adorable," I whispered.

"You're cute too," she said, looking up at me with a blush on her cheeks. My face lit up and I blushed. I didn't think she would hear what I said.

We got to the cafeteria and got our food. Luke followed us to our table.

"You're sitting with us again?" I asked.

"Yep, I guess my friends don't want to talk to me or something, I don't know," he said.

"I can see why," I muttered to myself.

"Why doesn't Michael sit with us?" Y/N asked as we all sat down.

"I don't know, he usually keeps to himself when he's in public places," Luke said.


The bell rang and we all got up.

"Calum?" Luke asked. He pulled me away from Y/N, dragging me by my sleeve and walking a few feet back.

"Was that necessary?" I asked.

"Did you ask Y/N out?"

"Uhh- actually, yeah, I did" I said. I don't really know if it's an actually date or not, it's just to hang out outside of school.

"Oh, really?" he asked.

"Y/N!" he yelled. Y/N walked over to us looking a little confused.

"Did Calum ask you out today?" he asked. I wanted to smack him. Y/N looked at me.

I mouthed an "I'm sorry," to her.

"Yeah, he did this morning, why?" she asked. Holy shit, she came through for me... She's so great.

"Just wondering," Luke said as he walked off, making sure to hit my shoulder with his.

"Wait, it's a date?" she asked me.

"Well, it can be if you want it to be?"

"I mean, you really didn't specify," she said.

"Well then, Y/N, will you go on a date with me after school?" I asked, trying to sound as confident as I could be.

"Yes, yes we can go on a date," she said.

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now