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Calum's P.O.V.

"Really?" I thought to myself. My face dropped when they left the room.

"Dude, you obviously like her. Just ask her out," Michael said.

"It's not that easy," I said.

"Yeah, it is. You just ask her with confidence and she'll say yes".

"Well, I don't have any confidence. How many times has that even worked?"

"Seven, but they weren't right for me. All you have to do is- Well, look who I'm talking to. You'll never get it".

"Thanks," I said, sarcastically.

"Do you even have her number?" He asked.

"No, that'd be weird to ask a girl for her number out of the blue without any explanation".

"Well, she has Luke's".


"Yeah, he gave it to her when he was writing down his username for YouTube".

"Damn, that was smart. But I don't have a reason to give her my number or any way to without... Straight up asking for it and I can't do that".

"How about I ask her and give it to you?"

"Okay, but I don't have your number either".

"Give me your phone, I'll type it in," he said as I handed him my phone.

"See, you just asked me for my number, why can't you ask her?" He asked as he handed me back my phone.

"Well, she's... Pretty".

"Hey, I have feelings. Don't tell me I'm not pretty enough for you," he said.

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now