Out Of My Limit, Waffles, and Jack Hemmings

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Y/N's P.O.V.

A few hours later, they finished writing the notes for "Out Of My Limit."

"And we did it. Two songs, one day. I'm tired," Calum said, leaning on my shoulder and closing his eyes. It was four in the morning.

"We can all just sleep here tonight," Luke said, laying his head down on the carpeted floor.

"I wasn't going to leave if you told me to. I get the couch," Michael said tiredly, collapsing on the couch.

Less than an hour later, we were all asleep.


I got woken up by Michael, jumping on everybody. I groaned and opened my eyes, seeing Calum's arms wrapped around me and my head on his chest.

"Get up, I'm hungry," he yelled.

"Ugh, go get some toast from the fridge," Luke sighed.

"I don't want toast, I want waffles. Waffles are for winners!" Michael said.

"Michael, you didn't win anything, go drive yourself to Waffle House or something," Luke said.

"No, we're band, we go together," he said.

"Fine, get everyone up and we can go. Not like you haven't woken up the whole neighborhood already," Luke said, getting up.

"Get up you lazy arses!" he yelled, jumping on Calum and I. I sat up instantly, shocked, but Calum didn't move.

"Ashton! Waffles!" Michael yelled, jumping on Ashton.

"Cal, get up. Michael's gonna kill us," I said, softly shaking Calum until he opened his eyes. I stood up and went to the bathroom, fixing my hair, and went back to the guys.

"Where's Aleisha?" I asked.

"She left earlier," Luke said. I nodded and Michael got his keys.

"No, Ashton's driving since he actually has a license," Luke said, prying Michael's fingers off the keys and tossing them to Ashton. We all got in the car.

"Shotgun!" Michael said, getting in front with Ashton. Luke, Calum, and I sat in the back. Calum had his head on my shoulder, probably sleeping, as we drove to Waffle House.


"Best waffles ever," Michael said as we left. Ashton drove us back to Luke's and we went to his room. We all talked for awhile until we heard someone come in the house.

"Is that your mum?" Ashton asked.

"No, can't be, she's working today," Luke said.

"Umm, then who is it?" we all asked in unison.

"I don't know, get in my closet. I'll deal with this," Luke said.

"When did you get so brave?" Michael asked.

"Shut up and get in the closet," Luke said, grabbing a metal bat and walked out of the room. We waited for a few minutes, trying to hear what was happening.

"Jack!" we heard Luke say.

"Who's Jack?" I asked. They all shrugged. We heard them come upstairs and walk into Luke's room.

"Guys, come out, it's just my brother," Luke said. We opened the door and walked out of the closet, seeing a guy who looked a little older than Luke.

"Never knew it would be so easy coming out of the closet," Michael said. Ashton laughed and smacked Michael in the gut.

"This is my brother, Jack. Jack, this is Calum, Ashton, Michael, and Y/N," Luke said, pointing each one of us out.

"Hi," he greeted.

"Hey," we all said.

"I heard you guys were all writing some music," he said.

"Yeah," Ashton said.

"Are you in the band too?" Jack asked me.

"No, I'm just a friend," I said.

"Girlfriend to me," Calum spoke up.

"Oh, okay. Well, I think I can help get you guys get a signed record label," he said.

"Really?" they all asked.

"Yeah, but you have to have four originals for them by Friday, and they have to be studio recorded," he explained.

"That's only five days," Luke said.

"If you don't get it to them by Friday, they'll move on," he said.

"What record label is it?" Ashton asked.

"Capitol Records," he said.

"How'd they know about us?" Luke asked.

"I have a friend who works there and I told him about you guys," he said. His phone buzzed.

"Hey guys, I have to go, but I'll leave you the good microphones so you can record," he said.

"Okay, it was nice to meet you," Ashton said.

"Yeah, thanks," Calum and Michael said.

"See you guys later," Jack said as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"What do you think guys? Can we write another song in five days and record them?" Luke asked.

"We wrote two songs in one day, we can do this," Calum said.

"You guys got this," I said.

"So we're all in agreement? We're gonna do this?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, too big of an opportunity to pass up," Ashton said.

"Should we start recording?" Calum asked.

"No, I'm tired," Michael pouted.

"Says the one who woke us up and five in the morning and jumped on all of us," Luke said.

"It was nine, not five," Michael said.

"Well, we only have five days, I think we should start now," Ashton said.

"Yeah, okay. To the basement we go," Luke said.

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