Punishments and Revenge

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Miss Y/L/N, will you go to the principal's office?" the secretary said. I followed her into the office and sat down. The principal walked in and sat at their desk.

"Well, Miss Y/L/N, I'm gonna cut straight to the chase, due to the fact of Mister Hopkins denying he hit, showing no signs of lying, and there is no visible proof, we cannot punish Mister Hopkins," they explained.

"Excuse me, but how would I have go-"

"Miss Y/L/N, this matter is not up for discussion. Mister Hopkins has one detention today and will be kept close watch on, but other than that, without any eyewitnesses or surveillance proof, we cannot do anything else. Please, go to class," they said. I walked out of the office and went to the band room where the guys were.

"How'd it go with the Trevor incident?" Luke asked.

"They said since they didn't have any real evidence, they would just let him off with a detention," I said, sitting on the floor next to Calum.

"Are you kidding me? That's all? After all he did to you? Punched you, kicked you, beat you up, and even stomped on your throat, that's all the punishment he gets!?" Calum yelled.

"Chill out," Michael said.

"No, I will not chill out. Trevor hurt her, beat her, and left her lying here by herself. I will not chill out, I'm gonna fight for what's right. I love Y/N, and if he hurt someone who I care so much about, he's gonna have to pay," Calum said, getting up.

Cal's P.O.V.

I left the room, angry. I didn't stop for anyone who told me to go back. It's time to get revenge. The hall was a little crowded, and I tried desperately to find Trevor.The hallways began to clear and I found Trevor. He was about to go into his class, so I sped up and grabbed the hood of his hoodie and dragged him back.

"What the hell?" he asked, dropping his books. I continued dragging him through the hallways of the school, people getting out of the way, as I angrily walked back to the band room. He's pretty scrawny and weak for a guy. I opened the door and threw him in the room. Michael, Luke, and Y/N getting me a confused look.

"Why am I here with you freaks?" Trevor asked.

"For now, I'll be asking the questions," I said, pushing him against the wall.

"Why do you think it was okay for you to do that to Y/N?" I asked.

"She did the same thing to my friend who I cared about," he said defensively.

"Y/N wouldn't do that. Unlike you, I actually know what a sweet and kind person Y/N is. All you know is what Mason told you, which is complete bullshit. I don't think Y/N would try to kick and punch Mason in the stomach. I don't think she would kick him in the throat. And she sure damn well wouldn't beat up someone just because of nothing. You have no real reason to beat up Y/N. So you better apologize to her, right now," I said sternly.

He laughed, "I'm not doing that and there's no way you can make me".

And that's when I lost it.

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