Sydney Harbour Bridge

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"Have fun, you two," Michael said as he dropped us both off.

"Thanks, Michael," I said.

I looked around. Michael dropped us off by the ocean where you could see the whole city of Sydney.

"Well, what do you think?" Calum asked.

"It's beautiful," I said.

"You're more beautiful," he muttered.

"You're so cute. When did you gain so much confidence?" I asked him.

"I don't know, it's just easier with you," he said.

"I'm glad," I said.

"Are you hungry for dinner?"

I nodded my head.

"I haven't eaten anything since lunch," I said.

"That takes skill," he said.


"What about pizza?" Calum suggested.

"Yeah!" I said.

We went in the pizza place and stood in line. About three groups of people were standing in front of us.

"Took some time to decide".

"Well, your fault you suggested all these fancy restaurants that were way too expensive," I said.

"I'm paying anyway, so it'll be okay," he said.

"I'm not gonna let you pay for my appetite".

"You let me take you on a date, I think it's the least I can do," said Calum.

"No, you gave me the opportunity to go out on a date with you, I think I can pay for myself".

We reached the front of the line and ordered a large cheese pizza and two drinks.

"That would be $18.43".

Calum quickly handed the cash to the server before I could even get the card out of my wallet.

"Okay, your pizza will be out shortly, you can fill the cups up over there," the person said as they handed Calum two, clear cups.

Calum handed me a cup and we went over to fill them up.

"See, $18.43 isn't that bad," Calum said as he filled up his cup.

"I guess you're right". We both got a lid and a straw and sat down at a table waiting for our pizza.

"Are we eating here?" I asked.

"No, we're going somewhere else," he said.


"Thank you," Calum said as he got the pizza. We walked down a path leading towards the beach.

"I think our family rents an umbrella down by the beach. Do you want to eat there?" Calum asked me.

"Yeah, sounds good".

We walked to the first row of umbrellas and sat down at umbrella number 4.

"How often does your family go to the beach?" I asked Calum as he put the box of pizza on the small table.

"We used to go a lot in the summer, almost everyday. But since it's fall now, we go every other week if it's not too cold," he said, taking a slice of pizza.

"We should go sometime tomorrow," he said after he finished a bite.

"Yeah, we should". I took a bite of my pizza.

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now