36 Hours

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I waited an hour or two until I heard my dad go to bed. I got out of bed, grabbed two bags and started packing my stuff. I got my spinner luggage and a duffel bag and started getting all of my clothes and a blanket in the luggage. I left some clothes that didn't fit and started packing chargers, shoes, and other things I wanted to bring in the duffel bag. I went in my closet and grabbed some stuff and walked quietly to the living room. I got the debit card from my dad's wallet and put it in my back pocket or my jeans.


Some would say this was a bad decision. To run away from home just to see your boyfriend. But I couldn't stand Minnesota anymore. I didn't want my dad anywhere near me and I couldn't stand my classmates. They were so judgemental and sometimes, but rarely, verbally abusive. I realized, sitting there in the airport, more and more how much I hated Minnesota and what a good decision this was. I decided to call Calum. The phone rang a couple times before he picked up.

"Hey, love. How're you doing?" he asked.

"I'm good. I'm on my way to Australia," I said.

"You are? I'm so excited! When are you gonna get here?" he asked.

"A couple days," I said.

"I can't wait. Why didn't you tell us this yesterday when you were Skyping us?" he asked.

"I... didn't realize I was gonna come, but my dad allowed me to stay there for a few months," I lied. I didn't want to tell Calum I ran away.

"That's amazing. I can't wait to see you. I feel like it's been so long," he said.

"I know, I can't wait either," I smiled.

"Flight 26 going to Brisbane, is now boarding," the announcer said.

"My flight's boarding, I'll call you later," I said, hanging up.

I stood up and got into the line. I gave them my ticket and passport as they scanned it. Lucky they had an extra ticket they sold to me, but it wasn't cheap. It was $1167.

I found my seat and put up my luggage and sat down. 36 hours in a plane wasn't going to be easy. 

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