Night Out

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I went back to my house and looked at the time. 2:47. I had awhile since I thought I should get ready so I went to the living room and turned on (Your Favorite Show).

"Where'd you go? You said you didn't want to go anywhere," my dad said as he walked into the room with Cup-O-Ramen in his hands.

"I went on a walk and ran into some friends," I said, annoyed. I really didn't want to talk to him right now.

"Okay, I heard Mason made it home safely. He got home at 2:40 this morning".

"Okay?" I said.

"I thought you'd like to know since the two of you are friends," he said.

"We're not friends".

"Why not? Did something happen?"

"Yeah, Dad. He tried to rape me and he punched me in the face," I said.

"C'mon, he wasn't really trying to. He was probably just playing around".

"Why do you always take his side? Why can't you believe your own daughter?" I asked, pausing the show.

"Because I know you're lying. You just don't want to see him since the two of you are in an awkward point in your relationship," he said like it was obvious.

"We aren't in a relationship... of any kind. Just let this go, please".

"No, Mason is a very nice boy and I think-"

"No, Dad. Stop forcing me into a relationship with him. I never want to see him again, and you will never understand that so just... let this go," I said.

He just grunted and went to his room.


I went to get ready for dinner. I didn't know where we were going so I didn't really know what to wear. I decided to wear blue skinny jeans that were a little ripped on the knees and a lace, black, long sleeved shirt. When I finished styling my hair and putting on my makeup, I got a text from Calum...

Cal: I'm outside.

"Dad, I'm going out," I yelled, closing the door.

"Hey, beautiful," Calum said, kissing me on the forehead. I blushed.

"Hey, you," I said. He was wearing black jeans and a white button up.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, getting in the car.

We got to a restaurant that looked upscale casual.

"My dad works here," he said, holding the door open for me. I walked in and we waited at the counter. A young lady came and sat us at our table.

"Calum, it's nice to see you again. I'll get you too some waters," she said, walking away.

"Wow, it's a nice establishment," I said, looking around.

"Yeah, it's right outside of Sydney too so the location isn't bad," he said, looking at the menu.

The woman came back and brought us our water.

"Who's this lovely lady you brought with you?" she asked.

"Her name's Y/N," he said.

"What a beautiful name. You should be ever so lucky to have a fine girl like her," she said, walking away.

"That... was a little creepy," he said.

I laughed lightly, "She was probably just trying to be nice, I guess".

"She was telling the truth, though," he said, quietly.

We decided on what we were getting and he called over a waiter.

"Can I get the pan-seared steak?" Calum said, but came out as more of a question.

"Yes, and for you?" the waiter asked, looking at me.

"Oh- Uhh- I'd umm... like the (Whatever You Choose), please," I said. I didn't like ordering myself, it makes me feel really nervous.

"Alright, we'll bring that to you right away," he said, taking our menus and walking away.

"He must be new, I've never seen him before," Calum said, taking a drink of water.

We started talking about our childhood and what it was like for Calum living in Australia and what it was like for me living in America, until someone came up to our table...

"Calum, what a surprise. I didn't think I'd see you until later," a man said to Calum.

"Oh yeah. How's it going in the kitchen?" Calum asked.

"It's all good. A little hot, but that's the usual. Who's this?" he asked.

"This is Y/N," Calum said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Calum's dad," he said.

"Nice to meet you too," I said.

"Well, I should get back, I'll see you at home," he said, walking away.

"There's going to be so many question when I get back home," Calum said.


"Bringing a beautiful girl to my dad's restaurant without any other explanation except your name. Of course there'll be questions," he said.

Our food came and we ate.

"That was really good," I said.

"Yeah, it was," he said, taking a drink of water.

"You wanna go somewhere? It's eight," he said.

"Yeah, sure," I said as we both got up and walked out of the restaurant. We walked down the street, toward the river and talked about interests and other things we liked to do. We stopped walking and leaned on the stone wall that stopped us from falling in the river. I looked to the left and saw the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

"It's pretty here," I said.

"It sure is," he said, looking at all the city lights. We stood there for a few minutes in silence, comfortable silence.

"Cal?" I asked.

"Yeah?" he said, looking at me.

"I love you too".

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