You Don't Know the Half of the Abused

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Trevor, get your hands off of my face," I said, but they only tightened around my head. I licked his hand and he pulled away. My eyes tried to adjust from the lack of pressure that was previously on my eyes, but then Trevor tripped me, leaving me lying on the ground.

"Gross, who knows how many guys have touched that tongue," Trevor said. He started to kick me on the stomach.

"I- saw- you- doing- some- foreplay- this- morning," Trevor said in between kicks. He started stepping on my arms and legs. Damn, cleats hurt like hell.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, my voice a little screwed up. Trevor got out his phone and showed me a picture of Calum and I kissing.

"You lied and you thought you could get away with it?!" he yelled. He gave me a hard kick in the throat.

"You're not getting away with treating my friend like garbage, or lying to everyone. You're gonna get it," Trevor said, walking away. The door closed behind him. I shouldn't have been so dumb. He signed his name as, "Calum Hood". Not Cal or anything like that. Trevor probably pushed Calum out of the classroom too. I hate this kid.

I coughed and tried to sit up, it was a great struggle, but I sat up. I got out my phone and texted Calum.

Y/N: Come to the band room, ASAP.

In less than a minute, Calum showed up. He looked at me, quickly scanning all the bruises and then sat in front of me.

"Oh my god, love. We have to get you to the hospital," Calum said.

"Ca-lum, he pun-ched me a-nd kic-ked me," I said in between hiccups and coughs. Calum lifted me up, bridal style, and he walked to the office.

"Oh my god! What did you do to her?!" the secratary yelled.

"H-he didn't do a-anything. It was Tr-Trever," I tried to say without hiccuping.

"Put her on the bed," she said to Calum. Calum did as was commanded and sat by me. It wasn't much of a bed, more like a raised up cot, I guess you could say. The secretary walked over and observed the bruises and blood coming out from my limbs. Then, she looked at the cut on my neck.

"Who did this again?" she asked.

"Trevor," I said, without any hiccups.

"Trevor Hopkins?" the secretary asked.

"Yeah," I said. She started to press into my arms and legs.

"Okay, I don't think you'll need to go to the hospital, but we'll have a talk with Mister Hopkins after lunch," the secretary said. She gave me a few bandages and then she said we could go.

"Cal," I said, holding my arms out for him to pick me up. He picked me up and we went outside to the field where we had study hall.

"Are you hungry? You can have my sandwich," Calum said, handing me his sandwich.

I shook my head, no. "I'm probably going to throw it up or something. He kicked me in the stomach a few times".

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But he's gonna have to deal with me later," he said.

"I give you my honor," I said.

"How'd he get you in the same room as him?" he asked.

"He passed me a note in (class) and it said to meet him there," I said.

"But why'd you go?"

"It had your name written on it," I said, pulling the note out of my pocket and handing it to him.

"Calum Hood? I wouldn't say that," he said.

"I know, I shouldn't have been so stupid, but I didn't have time to ask you because you were out of the classroom before I even got to look over at you," I said.

"That's probably why Trevor was pushing me out of the way. Where did he hit you?" Calum asked.

"He kicked me in the stomach, arms, legs, and once in the throat," I said.

"No way am I just gonna let him get by with doing this to you," he said, getting up.

"Cal, don't leave. Trevor being the sociopath he is, he'll probably appear out from behind those trees or something," I said.

"I won't leave," he said, sitting down. "Sociopath?" he asked.

"Who knows".

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