Phone Calls, Pancakes, and Ashton Irwin

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Calum's P.O.V.

Y/N fell asleep while she was laying on me chest. It felt good to have her back in my arms. I heard her phone ring on my nightstand and I looked to see who was calling.


I couldn't reach her phone so I tried waking Y/N up. I would assume she would want to tell him she got here.

"Y/N, your dad's calling you," I said.

"Hmm..." she groaned and took the phone from my hands. She clicked "ignore" and put the Do Not Disturb on. She put the phone back on the nightstand and put her head back on my chest.

"Don't you want to talk to him?" I asked.

She shook her head, no.

"Why not?" I asked, a little concerned.

"I'll tell you later," she muttered.

"Okay," I said, kissing her forehead.


I woke up at 10 the next day. Y/N was still sleeping. I looked at her laying on my chest. She was so beautiful. After a few minutes of admiring Y/N, I lifted her head up and put a pillow under her head and quietly went downstairs into the kitchen.

"Is Y/N still sleeping?" Mali asked.

"Yeah," I said getting some milk, eggs, and butter from the fridge.

"What're you making?" she asked.

"Pancakes," I said. I got out the flour, sugar, salt, and baking soda and mixed them into a bowl.

"Why?" she asked.

"For Y/N," I said. I stirred in the milk and eggs. I put the butter in the microwave for ten seconds and mixed it in with the rest of the ingredients.

"When did you get so grown up?" she asked.

I shrugged.

"It still seems like you're in elementary. Like you're my baby brother still," she said.

"When was I not your younger brother?" I asked.

"You're not a baby anymore, that's what I'm saying. You're in high school, you have a girlfriend who I actually like, and you're in a band," she said. I got out the pan and poured some batter onto it.

"Time sure goes by fast," I said. She nodded in agreement and I flipped the pancake over.

I got a plate and put the pancake on it. I made another pancake and made some coffee. I put the two pancakes on a tray with some maple syrup. I poured the coffee in the mug and put some sugar into a small cup and put it all on the tray.

"I made you breakfast if you want it," I said to Y/N, sitting on the side of the bed and rubbed her back a little bit. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up.

"When did you make this?" she asked.

"Just now," I said. She ate the pancakes and then poured some sugar into the coffee and drank it.

"That was delicious. Thanks Cal," she said.

"Anything for you," I said with a smile. I put the tray on my desk and sat back down on the bed.

"Still tired?" I asked.

"Yeah, a little" she said.

"So, why didn't you want to talk to your dad?" I asked her.

She looked a little uncomfortable and avoided eye contact for a few seconds before she answered, "I don't know, it was just late and all".

"You want to call him now?" I asked.

"Uhh- no, he's probably still sleeping. Time zones and all that," she said.

"Yeah, that's true. What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"Whatever you want," she said. I was about to say something, but then my phone buzzed.

I looked at the text message from Luke.

Luke: Come to my house. Important.

"Luke wants me to come to his house. You want to come?" I asked.

"I think I'll just stay here and sleep some more if that's okay," she said.

"That's fine with me. I'll see you later," I said with a smile. I got my shoes on and walked to Luke's place.

"Calum, you're late," he said.

"Sorry," I said. I walked in and Michael was sitting on the couch.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Well, I got us a gig to play tonight," he said.

"No way. Where?" I asked.

"The Annandale Hotel. We play at nine tonight," he said.

"But what are we gonna play?" Michael asked.

"Some covers we did on YouTube," Luke said.

"Do we have a drummer?" I asked.

"No, but I found this one on FaceBook who seemed interested. He's really good and he's in a band too," Luke said.

"What's his name?" Michael asked.

"Ashton Irwin".

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