Princess Hemmings, Spies, and Social Media

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"What're we gonna call it?" Luke asked.

"How about 5... Seconds of Summer?" Michael asked.

"That didn't even take you 5 seconds to figure out," I said.

"It's what I do," he said, laughing.

"Hmm... 5 Seconds of Summer. It's a bit... strange," Luke said.

"I like it," Calum said.

"What about you, Y/N?" Michael asked.

"I like it. It sounds good," I said.

"Well, Luke. Unless you have a better name, I suggest you stick with this one," Michael said.

"Alright, 5 Seconds of Summer it is. Why don't we all go over to Calum's to set up the account?" Luke suggested. They all agreed on going to Calum's after school. When the bell rang, I went to class. I sat in my usual desk, looking out the window. People were still walking in and then I saw Trevor.

"Hey, Y/N," he said, as he came up to my desk.

"Hi Trevor," I said.

"Listen, I just wanted to apologize. I got my grade back up and I overreacted... Sorry," he said.

"It's alright," I said. He did a half smile and class started.


"Okay, we need to take a profile picture," Luke said. School had ended and we all walked to Calum's. Right now, they were setting up their YouTube account for 5 Seconds of Summer.

"No, Luke. Profile pictures are for later. We don't have time for that now," Michael said. My phone buzzed and I got it out of my pocket. It was a text...

Unknown: (image of Y/N walking into Calum's house with Luke, Michael, and Calum)

Unknown: Wow, someone's getting slutty.

I ignored the text, like all the others. I tried to stay calm, but on the inside, I was freaking out. Someone's following me? Taking pictures of me? Tracking me? Who the hell is this person?

"What do you think, Y/N?" Calum asked, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, what?"

"Do you think the bio is more important or the profile picture?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. What are you guys even doing?" I asked.

"We're making our Twitter, but Luke thinks it's so important to have a profile picture and won't let us do anything else before we take a picture," Michael said.

"Why don't I take a picture of you three right now so Luke will stop bothering you?" I suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Where should we take it?" Michael asked.

"How about in here?" Luke asked.

"No, the lighting is terrible. How about outside?" Calum said.

"No!" I said, a little too abruptly. If someone was spying on me or whatever, I didn't want to go outside.

"I mean, the lighting out there isn't really great either," I said.

"Well, it's better than anything in the house," Calum said.

"Outside it is," Luke said getting up. We all got up and followed him outside. I looked around, cautiously before stepping outside.

"Okay, what pose should we do?" Luke asked.

"What if we just smiled at the camera?" Calum said.

"That's... No. We're punk rock, and we're not gonna stand and smile like a kindergartener," Michael said.

"Since when are we punk rock?" Luke asked.

"Since now. Let's just take the picture so we can edit the rest of the account without Luke pissing us off," Michael said.

The all stood and smiled, except for Michael. He crossed his arms and had a serious face. I took the picture on Luke's phone and they all looked at it.

"No, we're not using this. My hair is messed up," Luke said.

"Who's the princess now?" I asked him. Calum and Michael laughed while Luke just kinda stood there, a little embarrassed.

"So, profile picture or no profile picture?" Calum asked.

"No, we'll deal with that once we have all the members," Michael said.

"All the members?" Calum asked.

"We don't have a drummer, but we can figure that out once we have an actual performance or something," Michael said.


"I'll see you guys tomorrow," Calum said as Luke and Michael left. They had set up their YouTube, Keek, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Calum and I ordered a pizza and had a movie marathon. We cuddled on his bed, but were interrupted by, of course, my phone buzzing. It was from unknown. I sighed and opened the text...

Unknown: (image of Calum and Y/N saying goodbye to Michael and Luke)

Unknown: You still have one to keep you entertained

"You okay, love?" Calum asked me. I handed him my phone and he read the texts.

"When did you get this one?" he asked, pointing to the one where we were all walking into Calum's house.

"When you guys were making the accounts," I said.

"Y/N, I'm sorry you have to deal with this," he said, hugging me.

"Is there a way we can find out who this is?"

"Well, we could track down the IP address, but I don't know how to do that. Maybe Michael does. He's into weird stuff like that," Calum said. He got out his phone and started to text someone.

"Oh, he can't. He said that he can do many things, but tracking IP addresses isn't one of them," Calum said.

"He should learn. He got his liscense already and I haven't even gotten my permit," I said.

"Yeah, surprised he hasn't gotten arrested or anything yet," Calum said.

We went back to watching the movie until I slowly fell asleep. 

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