The Big News

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Cal's P.O.V.

As I signed the contract, I felt content. This was finally happening, I was officially a member of a band.

"Well, congratulations, guys. 5 Seconds Of Summer's gonna go far," Cayden said, shaking our hands.

"Thank you so much," Ashton said, waving, and we all got up.

"Wait, there's something I need to show you," Cayden said. We all turned around, giving him a confused look.

"Follow me," he said, walking out of the room. We followed him into an elevator and into another, bigger room.

"Sit right here, please," he said. We sat on the white, leather couch and he left the room.

All of a sudden, balloons dropped from the ceiling, and there were a bunch of loud air horns. We all looked at eachother in confusion, but then One Direction ran out from behind a desk, carrying a banner saying, "Will You Go On Our Worldwide Tour With Us?"

"Wait, what? No way!" Luke exclaimed.

"Is this for real?" I asked.

"It's for real," Niall said.

"Oh my god, YES WE WILL!" we all said.

We all hugged and talked about how the tour was gonna be. We were going to open for them, and the tour was going to last for six months.

"Can we take anybody?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, no. But, you can each give someone a V.I.P. ticket to one of our shows in Australia," Harry said.

"Damn," I muttered. Nobody heard me, but that was okay.

"So when are we gonna leave?" Michael asked.

"In about a month," Liam said. We nodded our heads. Ashton's phone rang, and he picked up. As he talked quietly into the phone, we sat in awkward silence for awhile until he came back.

"Guys, I gotta go," Ashton said frantically.

"W-what happened?" I asked.

"I just have to go now. I'll drop you guys off at Luke's place, okay?" he said sounding a little stressed out.

"Well, I guess we'll see you guys later. We'll have a meeting in a few days talking about the tour and all the details. Bring your parents," Niall said. We nodded and walked out of the room behind a fast paced Ashton. He practically ran to the car.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked as Ashton started the car.

"My mum passed out at the house."

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