Time and Rambling

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Y/N's P.O.V.

A quick 15 hours had went by and we were in America. The plane had landed and we had arrived at our gate, but they hadn't opened the doors yet. I stood up and stretched. I didn't do much except for watching a couple of movies and sleeping. I got out my phone and texted Calum.

Me: Hey, we landed.

I looked at the time, 9:45 a.m.

"Damn, time differences," I mumbled to myself. Sydney was 18 hours ahead of us, meaning it was 3:45 a.m. in Sydney. But, Calum being Calum, texted back right away.

Cal: How is it?

Me: Idk, I feel tired af rn.

Cal: I bet. Those time zones suck.

Me: Why are you up so late?

Cal: I was watching a movie, but I don't have my cuddle buddy.

Me: I'm gonna miss that.

The people started moving towards the door. I put my phone in my pocket and moved as fast as I could to the door. I used to think I liked airplanes, but spending 15 hours straight without a clean toilet and gross air that made me feel disgusting? I'll pass, thanks.

"Y/N, stay by me at all times. Don't want you running off," my dad said as we walked through the jet bridge.

"Nothing I'd want to run to from here," I muttered. We went up some escalators and went through security again. Apparently, we had a connecting flight to somewhere I didn't listen to when my dad was telling me the plan. Not like I cared...

We got out of security and went to our next gate.

"Are we moving back where we were?" I asked Dad.

"Nope, we already sold that house. It's Minnesota now. Which means new school, new friends, it'll be a great new start," he said. I sighed. I didn't want to meet new friends, although, I probably should since mine are now thousands of miles away. But I just want to be with Calum. It's crazy, we haven't known eachother for a long time, but it seems like I've known him forever. I got out my phone and texted Cal again.

Me: Apparently, we're moving to Minnesota.

Cal: At least you won't have to see Mason.

Me: Yep... Still not excited.

Cal: I'm sorry, love. I'd give you a hug, but...

"Flight 752, now boarding," the announcer said. There weren't a lot of people on the flight so they were boarding everyone at the same time. Dad's and my seats were together, which was already a drag just thinking about it. He never let me be, he always wanted to talk to me and never let me listen to my music in peace. We got in our seats and, of course, Dad kept rambling on about his new job or a new life or something new. It could've been a new vase, but I'll never know because I was listening to (Favorite band besides 5sos) the whole time. The flight was 4 hours, no stop. He couldn't ramble on for that long, could he?

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