Hostile Actions

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Y/N's P.O.V

"I'm gonna beat the hell out of him," Calum said, getting up. I grabbed his arm. We were all sitting in the band room, and Michael told them what happened with Trevor and I.

"No, Cal. It's okay, he didn't punch me or anything," I said. Calum sat back down.

"But he accused you of being something you're not, and that's not okay with me," Calum said.

"I don't want you to go start something with him. It'll die down, don't worry about me," I said. Calum leaned on my shoulder.

"But it's my job to worry about you," he said.

"There's nothing to worry about, if he does anything physical, I give you my permission to do whatever you want to him," I said. He smiled with his head still on my shoulder.

"Guys, we got 1,000 views already," Luke said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, look at that," he said, showing everyone his phone.

"Nice job guys," I said.

"Thanks, Y/N," they all said almost in unison.


I got out of my final class and went to put my books back in my locker.

"Bet you had a great time getting laid in there," Trevor said. I looked at him, he was alone this time.

"I didn't get laid, I'm not a slut," I said, quietly.

"You might be fooling some people, but you're not fooling me. What else would you be doing with three other guys?" he asked.

"Talking, 'cause that's what friends do," I said, closing my locker.

"Sure, friends," he said sarcastically, "more like friends with benefits".

"Go away, Trevor," I said, walking the other direction.

"Hey!" he yelled, grabbing my hair. "This isn't over. I know what you did to my friend. Slut like you, you'll probably do that to every guy in this school".

"What are you talking about?"

"Mason, you remember one of your thousands of ex's. He caught you cheating because I'm a good friend who doesn't like seeing my bro get hurt by hoes," he said.

"I didn't cheat on him. You have the wrong story. Leave me alone," I said, walking away.

"C'mere you little bitch," Trevor said as he pulled my arm making me go towards him. He led me to the boys' locker room and threw me into the shower, and turned the cold water on.

"You smell like a hoe," he said and walked away. I got up and turned the water off.

"What the hell? Why is he doing this for no reason?" I asked myself.

"I should've never met Mason. Goddam him," I thought as I walked out of the locker room. It sure did stink in there. I walked down the hallway, trying to find Calum, Michael, and Luke, but they weren't there, so I started walking home.


When I got home, Calum was sitting on the porch.

"Where were you? Why is your hair wet?" he asked, walking over to me.

"I put my books away and Trevor threw me in the shower. Where did you guys go?" I asked.

"We tho- Wait, Trevor threw you in the shower?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's no big deal though, but where'd you guy go?"

"We thought you already started walking home so we went home to, but why did he throw you in the shower?" Calum asked. I unlocked the door to my house and we both walked in.

"I'm not gonna let this go unless you tell me what happened," Calum said.

"You're so overprotective, it's fine, I promise," I said.

"But, please?" he asked.

"I'll tell you if he hits me, but he didn't do anything to hurt me. Really, Cal, it's okay," I said.

"Hmm... If you say so," he said and pecked me on the lips. We went to my room and I changed into some dry clothes.

"What happened to your wrist?" Calum asked, looking at the red marks on my skin.

"It's nothing," I said, putting on my shirt.

"Y/N, did Trevor do something besides throwing you in the shower?" he asked.

"He- He just dragged me by my wrist and threw me in there," I said.

"Wha- This kid is gonna get revenge for putting his hands on my girl," Calum said, a little angry.

"Calum, it's okay. It didn't hurt. Please don't do anything rash until something bad happens," I said.


"No, just don't do anything until I say so," I said.

"Hmm... You're lucky I love you".

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