Bringing Up the Past?

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Y/N's P.O.V.

The bell rings and I stand up.

"It's lunch time, right?" I ask Calum.

"Yeah, you wanna go?"

I nodded my head. He stood up and got his bag.

"You wanna come, Mike?" Calum asked before heading out the door.

"No, I think I'll go to get pizza when school's over".

We walked out the door and Calum held my hand. We went to the cafeteria and sat down at the table we sat at yesterday.

"Hey, princess," Luke says to me.

"Hey, Luke," I said. I didn't really mind Luke calling me princess. Besides, he probably does it to every girl he talks to.

"Can I sit with you guys today?" he asked.

"What about your other friends?" Calum asked.

"I don't want to sit with them today, they're getting on my nerves," he explained. I looked at Calum who looked a little upset.

He sighed, "Fine, sit with us".

We got our lunch and sat back down at the table.

"So, how was your very long nap?" Luke asked.

"Delightful," I said.

"Well, good thing you had a cuddle-buddy," said Luke.

"Which one are you referring to?" Calum asked.

Luke just shrugged. I felt like Calum was a little tense with Luke all of a sudden.

"You okay?" I whispered to him.

"I could be better," he replied.

~~~After School~~~

I put my bag in my room and decided to watch (favorite movie). About an hour and a half later, Dad walked in.

"Hey, Dad".

"Hi," he said in a stressed out voice.

"You okay?"

"Could be better," he went to the fridge and grabbed a beer. He went to his room and shut the door.

After the movie was over, I went to my room and decided to text Calum.

You: Hey, you seemed a little tense around Luke today. Is everything alright between you guys?

He replied back within seconds.

Cal: We're good, I'm just a little uncomfortable around him, that's all.

You: Oh okay. Just wondering...

Cal: You all good too? :)

You: Yeah, Mason's not bothering me that much anymore which is surprising, but good.

You had told Calum about Mason the night before.

Cal: Glad to hear it. I have to go to football practice. I'll talk to you after?

You: Yeah, have fun.

I locked my phone and finished the small amount of homework I had. I had skipped a few classes, but that didn't really matter. After getting done with homework, I decided to finish the drawing of the golden retriever you were previously working on.


A few hours later, I had finished my masterpiece. Calum texted you...

Cal: Football practice is over, what're you doing?

You: Not much, finished this drawing tho.

I sent him a photo of the drawing.

Cal: It's so cool! You're so talented.

You: Thanks, how was football?

Cal: It was intense, they made us run a lot.

You: Sounds rough.

Cal: Yeah, lol. But it's over.

You: Would you rather be in a band or play football?

Cal: Definately play in a band. Football's great and all, but... I like playing the guitar better.

You: That's cool. Knowing what you want to do and stuff. I don't know what I want to do when I get out of high school... I guess I have three more years to figure it out tho, so no rush.

Cal: Haha, yeah. My mum didn't know what she wanted to do when she was in high school. She just did what her friends did and it worked out apparently.

You: I forgot what my mom did in college... I don't know if she even went. Dad went to law school and he's a lawyer, but he hates it.

Cal: Tbh, I'd probably hate being a lawyer too. Haven't you ever asked your mum what she did in college before?

...I don't know if I should tell him or not...

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