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Y/N's P.O.V.

The next day, I checked my phone to see I had 3 calls from Luke, 8 from Michael, 17 from Calum, and 4 from Dad. I had gotten a few texts from Calum.

Cal: Come back.

Cal: I'm sorry.

Cal: I'm on your side.

Cal: Please come back.

Cal: I love you.

I sighed and locked my phone. I got up and went to the living room, which was just an empty space. I went to the kitchen, no fridge, only counter tops. I layed down on the floor... thinking until I realized something...

"He was right," I said to myself.

"I do run away from my problems".

A few hours later of deep thinking and streaming Netflix on my phone, I heard a knock on the door. I got up and looked through the peep hole. I thought it would be Calum, but surprisingly, it was Ashton.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi. Umm... Can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Sure, come in," I said. He walked in and I closed the door behind him. We sat on the wooden floors, criss crossed, in silence until he spoke up.

"I know it's really weird for me to show up when we hardly know each other," he said.

"Yeah, a little," I said.

"So... I just wanted to come by and say that I think you should go see your dad," he said.

"Really? You too?" I asked.

"Look, Y/N, I had a dad who... when I was young, left and left Mum, my brother and sister, and me. He... didn't care about us and he just... disappeared. He left us and I had to be the father for my siblings. But you have a dad who's worried about you, who cares for you, and despite everything he says, he still wants you to be safe. Even if he's mad at you, he still cares about you," he said.

I didn't say anything, I just looked up at him, his eyes were watering a bit.

"What I'm saying is, even though you ran away, your dad is worried about you and he wants to know if you're safe. I think you should at least call him just to tell him you're okay. He might be angry at first, but at least he'll know you're okay," he said.

We didn't say anything for awhile.

"I'll call him," I said.

"I'm glad to hear that," Ashton said and got up.

"Wait, can you... stay with me while I talk to him?" I asked.

"Of course," he smiled and sat down.

I got my phone out of my pocket and tapped on the address book.


I hesitated for a minute, but I tapped on the call button. It rang a few times before he picked up.

"Y/N. Where are you?" he asked, panicked.

"Dad, I'm... in Australia," I said.

"What are you doing there?"

"I... didn't feel right".

"That's no reason to leave," he said, sternly.

"Dad... I wanted to come back. I didn't feel right in Minnesota. And... I just wanted to get away from you," I said, mumbling the last part.

"Why did you want to get away from me?"

"You don't believe me, you never listened to me when it came to Mason and Calum. You always thought you were right and I was wrong," I said. Ashton put his hand on my knee and I squeezed his hand.

I heard Dad sigh, "Y/N, I'm sorry. I really am. I've been thinking this past week and I've realized... I have been wrong. I should've listened to you. I have no right to tell you who you date and I shouldn't have made you move".

I couldn't believe it, my dad, my own father, was apologizing to me.

"Are you safe?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright," I said, smiling a little.

"Will you come home?" he asked. I stayed quiet for awhile.

"I don't want to go back to that school," I said.

"Then we'll move back. Y/N, I just want you to be happy," he said. I smiled even more.


"I'll sell this house and I'll come back," he said.

"Thanks Dad".

"I'll see you soon, but no more running away, promise?" he asked.

"Promise," I said.

"Bye, Y/N".

"Bye Dad".

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now