Pushing the Limits

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It's been three months. Three months of a school I didn't fit in, three months of my dad, and three months of missing Calum. I didn't have Cal, Michael, or Luke to talk to everyday. Even though we saw each other on a screen almost everyday, I wasn't really with them. My dad has been super hovery. Like, he's always questioning who I'm talking to, what I'm doing when I'm my computer, who I'm dating, which is no one except for Calum. But he's gonna kill me if he finds out we're still together.

"Who are you talking to?" he asked, walking into my room. I was Skyping Calum right now. He was in school with Luke and Michael who were all sitting in the band room.

"Some friends from school," I lied.

"Okay, who are they?" he asked. I had no friends from school. I kept to myself while everyone else just gave me death stares like I killed their puppy or something terrible.

"It's Ally," I lied.

"Oh, okay," he said, closing the door to my room and walked away.

"Ally?" Calum asked.

"First name that came into mind," I shrugged my shoulders. Then, I heard a scream from Luke.

"Ouch! Stop abusing my ears," I said to Luke.

"Sorry, Michael took my phone," he said.

"So, when are you gonna come visit us? We have a gig at The Annandale Hotel this Saturday," Calum said.

"You do?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, we still don't have a drummer though. You should come watch us play," Michael said.

"I can't, I don't have any money," I said.

"Dang, that sucks. I wanted to see you," Calum said.

"Yeah," I said.

We all kept talking for awhile until my dad started yelling at me.

"I thought you said you weren't talking to him anymore!" he yelled, standing right next to my bed. I hung up with the guys and shut my laptop.

"You lied to me, Y/N. Give me your laptop," he said, angrily.

"Why can't I talk to him? He's my-" I stopped myself. "Friend," I said.

"Well I said you couldn't talk to him and what I say goes until you move out of this house," he said.

I stayed quiet, not really knowing what to say.

"Y/N, don't talk to him anymore or I'll-"

"Or you'll what? Take my laptop away? Take my phone? I don't care what you'll do. I'll find a way to talk to my friend!" I said, raising my voice. Then, within a blink of a second, I felt my cheek come into contact with a cold hand, leaving a burning sensation on my cheek.

"Don't you dare talk back," he said, leaving my room.

I've had enough of him. 

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