Anger Management

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I walked down the hallways, alone, since I didn't walk with Calum.

"You need some anger management?" Trevor asked from his locker. I looked up at him, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking behind me. I turned around and saw Calum.

"No, do you need a class on how to treat people with respect?" Calum spat, catching up to me.

"Hey, you," he said with a smile.

"Hey, you changed your hair," I said.

"Yeah, I got it cut yesterday," he said. Calum opened the door to go into the band room, but someone pushed me in, making me fall.

"Have fun you little slut," Trevor said, his friends laughing behind him.

"She's not a slut, goddamnit," Calum muttered angrily. We sat down and Luke looked at us.

"I posted the video. It already has a few hundred views," he said, smiling.


Luke sat down at the table with Calum and I.

"Does anyone know where Michael is?" I asked.

"He texted me and said he wasn't coming," Luke said. I nodded.

"You're not sitting where you usually sit," Calum said to Luke.

"Yeah, my spot's taken," Luke said. We all looked over to where Luke used to sit. Trevor was there, laughing, with a few other guys.

Aleisha came over and sat down, "hey," she greeted.

"Hey," we all said.

"How are you feeling?" Luke asked.

"I'm okay. A lot better though," she said.

The bell rang and we all walked to our separate classes. Calum walked with me to my locker in silence.

"Y/N, I have to tell you something," he said.

"Yeah?" I asked, a little nervous.

"I got my permit," he said.

"You did?" I asked. He nodded his head with a big smile on his face.

"Aw, I'm so proud," I said, hugging him. The bell rang. We walked to (some random class) and sat down near the back.

"Don't sit by him, he'll punch you in the gut," Trevor said, pointing at Calum. Everyone laughed and then the teacher walked in. Everyone got quiet and sat down, but no one sat next to Calum. 

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