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Calum's P.O.V.

I got out of bed and yawned. "Monday already? Goddamn it," I thought. I got some toast, put on a shirt, and started walking to school.

"How was the big date?" Michael asked as I walked into the band room.

"You drove us, you should know," I said.

"I'm talking about the other one".

"The beach? I don't think that was a date... I don't know. I'm just glad I got to spend time with Y/N. Wait, how'd you know about that?" I asked.

"Luke told me, he texted. I thought it was strange that he texted me, but it's whatever".

I nodded my head.

"I'm just gonna say this, I don't think it's a good idea for you to fall for this girl too hard. You guys just met, give it some time," he said.

"I can't help it. Besides, nothing's gonna happen if I do fall for her, I just won't act on my feelings," I said.

"Ha, you? No way, once you fall for a girl, you act on your emotions right away. Even though no one's really ever seen me around school before, I know almost all the drama that goes on around here. Mostly, thanks to Luke, but I watch too. And you... you've gotten rejected so many times, I lost track after eight".

"We... actually did have a conversation about that," I said, quietly.

"You told her how many times you got rejected? That's hilarious," he said.

"No, I told her about my past relationships. Like, actual girlfriends I used to have".

"Oh, all the gold diggers? Sounds interesting".

I nodded my head. There was a bit of awkward silence.

"How long have you and Luke been friends?" I asked.

"Awhile, actually. We don't really talk to each other in public because he knows so many other people. But, umm... I think our family met somehow and then I met Luke so, yeah," he said.

All of a sudden, Y/N came running in the door.

"Calum!" she said running to me.

"Hey, is something wrong?" I asked.

"Yeah, do you remember Mason, that guy I used to date back in America?" she asked me, frantically.


"Well, I got a. email from my dad this morning saying Mason will be coming to stay with me and he'll be at the house after I get home from school. Calum, the first time my dad contacts me, he's telling me that my ex is staying with me until he comes back?" a small tear went down her cheek.

"I mean, I knew Dad liked Mason and all, but I didn't know he trusted him that much".

I wiped her tear off her cheek with my thumb and pulled her in for a hug. We in that position for a few seconds.

"Didn't you tell your dad you broke up with him?" I asked.

"Yeah, but all my other friends moved away and he's all I had left. I don't really get to talk to him much anymore, ever since the move, so Dad probably thinks I don't have any friends here," she said.

"You're gonna get raped," Michael said, standing up and walking up to us.

"Dude," I said.

"He's right," she mumbled.

"What if Calum stays with you while Mason's there?" Michael suggested.

"That's... not a bad idea, but only if you're comfortable with it" she said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Really?" she asked, a smile growing on her face.

"Yeah, I just want you to feel safe".

"You're the best Cal!" she said and hugged me.

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now