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Calum's P.O.V.

"So are you two dating?" Michael asked me right as I walked in the door.

"We only went on one date. We're not a couple yet, though," I said.

"Surprised," Luke said.

"What?" I asked.

"The way you look at her. It looks like you really love her," he said.

"I mean... I do, but I don't know how she'll feel if I actually tell her love her. I think it's too soon".

"She's just so... beautiful. She has a great personality and she's not even that rude to Mason, which says a lot since he's such a pain in the ass. She's... amazing," I said.

"Someone's love struck," Michael said.

Y/N's P.O.V.

"For your project..." the teacher said. I continued to look out the window, not listening to what the teacher said.

"Hey," a boy walked up to me.

"Hi?" I said, in more of a question.

"So, I guess we're partners," he said, sitting down at the desk.

"Wait, what?"

"We have to do a project and we were assigned partners," he explained.

"Oh, okay," I said. The teacher came around and handed all of us a rubric for the project.

"I'm Trevor, by the way," he said.

"Y/N". Trevor wore an off-white sweater with blue jeans. He looked like a hipster, to be honest. His hair was messy and he had dorky glasses... like a typical hipster. He seemed chill too.

"So, do you just want to work on one part and I work on the other or do you just want to do the whole thing together?" I asked him, reading over the rubric.

"I can do the paper and you do the Powerpoint? Or the other way around?" he asked.

"Yeah, sounds good," I said. We each got a computer and logged on to our emails.

"Should we share the documents?" he asked.

"Yeah". I shared the Powerpoint with him and he shared the Google Doc with me.

The bell rang and we both shut down our computers.

"When's this due?" I asked.

"It says... Friday," he said.

"Okay, see you around, Trevor," I said, walking out of the classroom.

"Hey, you," I said to Calum.

"Hey, love. Who was that?" he asked.

"Trevor, he's my partner for a project we have to do," I said as we both walked to the band room.

"Oh, I've seen him around before. I haven't ever talked to him though," he said.

"He seems laid-back".

~~~(After School)~~~

Mason, Calum, and I got home and I went to my room. Mason stayed in the living room, like usual, and Calum laid down on the bed.

"Tired?" I asked.

"A little, I might take a nap," he said.

"Oh, aren't you hungry?" I asked.

"Not really, I ate a lot at lunch. What're you working on?" he asked.

"PowerPoint, I want to get it done," I said.

"You have a lot more homework than I do," he said.

"Yeah, but I actually go to my classes". He laughed.

"That's true. I don't care for school that much, it just seems like a waste," he said. I turned on my laptop and continued working on the PowerPoint.

When I was done, I looked at Calum. He was sleeping and looked relaxed. I quietly went out to the living room, shutting the door to the bedroom, and sat down watching whatever was on TV. 

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now