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Y/N's P.O.V.

I handed Luke the paper and pen and he wrote something down. I looked at Calum, sitting on the rug, playing with some of the strings on the guitar, but he looked a little sad.

"Here you go, princess," Luke said as he gave me a paper with a smile on his face.

"Princess?" I asked him.

"Yeah, princess". I folded the paper and put it in my pocket and went to sit next to Calum. When I sat down, he smiled and his face was pleasant, not sad anymore.


"Yeah?" he said, putting the guitar down.

"Who's that?" I asked, pointing to the boy across the room with dirty blonde hair.

"I'm Michael. It's rude to point," Michael said.

"Sorry," I said quietly.

The bell rang and I got up.

"Hey, Calum, will you show me to my next class?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure. What class?" he asked. I pulled out my schedule.


"Oh, we have the same class together. I can take you, Y/N," Luke said.

"Uhh- okay, sure. I'll see you, Calum," I said as Luke and I walked to class. 

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now