The Explanation

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and heard a monitor by my bed. I looked around to see I was in a hospital. I wince at the pain in my head.

"What the hell?" I thought. I nurse walked into my room.

"You're awake, I'll go get the doctor," the nurse said and walked back out of the room.

"Miss Y/L/N, what is the last thing you remember?" the doctor asked.

"Umm... I remember being in a forest... and my dad came up behind me... and then I fell," I said.

"Do you remember coming here?" the doctor asked.

I shook my head, no.

"Are you feeling light-headed?"

"No," I said.

"Do you have any abdominal pain?"

"No," I said.

"Okay, that's good. Unfortunately, we're going to have to keep you in the hospital for the next 24 hours. Do you have any questions?"

"What happened to me?" I asked.

"Well, it seems that someone attacked you, because of your recent scars and scratches, and you couldn't defend yourself due to dehydration," the doctor explained.

"How long have I been here?" I asked.

"About two days. We did a CT scan to check for any tumors and luckily, you didn't have any. You did have a severe wound to the head, but there was no sign of brain damage. Also, three teenage boys came in by the name of Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, and Luke Hemmings. They told us you went missing for two days without telling anyone where you were," the doctor said.

"Can I call one of them?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll take you to the phone," the doctor said. I got out of bed and the doctor pulled out a wheelchair.

"I can walk," I said.

"Just to be safe," the doctor said. I sat in the wheelchair and they wheeled me into a small room with a phone connected to the wall.

"Take all the time you need," the doctor said as they closed the door behind me. I took the phone and dialed Calum's number. It rang a couple times before he picked up.


"Calum, it's me, Y/N," I said.

"Y/N? I can't believe it's you! Are you okay?" he asked in excitement.

"I'm... a little confused and my head hurts," I said.

"I missed you," he said. I smiled.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"You didn't do anything," he said.

"I didn't tell you where I went, where I was going, why I went away," I said.

"Why did you?"

"My dad was for sure making me go back to America. Everything was packed up and ready to go when I got back to the house. I didn't want to go back so I thought the only solution was to... run away. I didn't know where I was going so I packed all my things and went to the park. I fell asleep and when I woke up, I saw my dad walking towards me. But then I passed out and didn't know what happened after that," I said.

"Did you get any of my calls or texts?"

"No, my phone died".

"You could've come back," he said.

"I don't know, I felt like I couldn't. I thought if my dad found out where I was, he would... separate us or hurt you so I figured it would be better to go on my own," I said.

"Can I come by?"

"Of course".

"I'll be there in an hour," he said. We said goodbye and hung up the phone. I wheeled myself back to my room and got into the bed. I was still a little confused as to what had happened. How Dad had found me, what he did to me, why he left me there.

"Where is he now?" I thought. 

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