The Annandale Hotel

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Calum's P.O.V.

I headed back to the house around lunch time. When I walked in, Mali and Y/N were sitting on the couch eating sandwiches and laughing.

"Calum, we were just talking about you," Mali said.

"You were?" I asked them.

"Yep, nothing important though. Where'd you go?" Mali asked.

"Luke's. We're playing a gig at The Annandale Hotel tonight at nine," I said.

"Really?" Y/N asked, smiling and walking up to me.

"Yeah," I said and she hugged me.

"Congrats," she said as she detached her arms from my waist.

"You two are so cute," Mali said, getting up from the couch. I smiled and leaned down to peck Y/N on the cheek. She blushed and smiled. Mali walked down the hallway and into her room, closing the door behind her.

"I'm excited to watch you guys perform," she said with her sweet voice.

"I just hope I don't mess up," I said.

"You'll do great," she said.

We went upstairs and played some video games and watched some movies until it was seven.

"You want to get dinner before we go to the hotel?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure," she said as we got up.

"Oh, do you want to call your dad before we go?" I asked.

"Uhh- no. He's... probably asleep and plus I called him when you were gone," she said.

"Hmm... okay," I said and then I got a text from Michael.

Michael: Meet us for pizza in thirty minutes. Bring Y/N.

"You want to go for pizza with the guys?" I asked. She nodded her head and we went downstairs. Mum agreed to take us there so we got in the car as she drove to the pizza place.


"Where're the guys?" Y/N asked.

"I don't know, they should be here," I said. Y/N's phone rang and she took her phone out of her pocket.

"Dad," the Caller I.D. read. She ignored it and put her phone back in her pocket.

"Aren't you going to take that?" I asked.

"No, it's... umm... loud here. I'll call him later," she said. Before I could say anything, Michael walked up to us.

"Hey guys, Luke and Ashton aren't here yet, but you can come and sit at the table," he said as he led us to the table.

"I'm gonna call them," Michael said, walking away.

"Who's Ashton?" Y/N asked.

"He's our drummer, I guess," I said. Michael came back and sat down.

"They'll be here soon. Ashton got lost and Luke's with him," Michael said. We talked about what we would play and a few minutes later, Luke and a guy who looked a bit older than all of us sat at the table.

"Hey guys, this is Ashton, our drummer," Luke said. Ashton waved and smiled.

"I'm Michael," Michael said.

"Umm... I'm Calum," I said. I looked at Y/N who was looking at her phone, looking a little sad. I nudged her shoulder and she perked up.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Y/N," she said smiling at Ashton. A person came and brought a large, cheese pizza to the table.

"Who ordered?" I asked.

"I did," Michael said. We all took a slice of pizza and talked some more. By the time we were finished, it was time for us to go to the hotel. We payed and Ashton drove us to the hotel.

Y/N's P.O.V.

They had finished setting up and a few people started crowding around the stage. By the time they started playing, only 11 other people showed up, but I was still proud of Calum for having the confidence to sing in front of people. They sounded good and looked like they were enjoying themselves.


"You guys did amazing," I said, hugging all of them.

"Thanks, Y/N," Michael said messing up my hair. I straightened it out and gave Calum another hug, but it was tighter and lasted longer.

"You really think we did good?" he asked.

"You guys did great," I said. He kissed my forehead and we all went to the car as we drove back to Luke's. 

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