Her Decision

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Cal's P.O.V.

"We love you guys! Thank you! Have a good night!" the members of One Direction said. They came back into the dressing room and grabbed bottles of water. They sat on the couch and we all talked until it was time to go back to the hotel.

When we got back to the hotel, I opened up my laptop, finally having time to myself, I Skyped Y/N. She answered, but had tears in her eyes.

"Hey, lo- Y/N, are you okay? Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I- I don't think I can do this..." she replied. My face dropped.

"What are you talking about?" i asked in confusion.

"Cal, I don't think I can handle a long distance relationship. This is the first time we've talked to each other since you've started the tour, and that was three months ago. You haven't even texted me," she said. Tears falling down her face, making my heart break.

"Love, I'm sorry. I haven't had time to myself in awhile," I said.

"I understand, but I feel like I'm a bother to you. I don't want you to have to call me because you feel obligated to it, I th-"

"Y/N, I love talking to you. I love you. We can work this out," I said.

"I don't know, I'm sorry Calum. I've been thinking about this for awhile and I don't think we can do this. I'm moving in a week because my dad got a good job in Japan with his pharmaceutical sales, so I won't be able to see you perform since you guys already went to Asia. I don't know the next time I'll be able to see you, and I don't know if I will be able to see you," she said. I felt a tear go down my cheek, I sniffed.

"We'll see each other, I know we will. We can go see each other af-"

"Cal, I've thought it over. I'm sorry, but I think this is for the best," she said, crying.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too, but... I-I'm sorry, Cal, you don't deserve this," she said and hung up.

I started sobbing. I slammed the laptop close and fell onto the bed. I cried into my pillow. I screamed. But I couldn't do anything to get her back. 

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now