Teenage Dirtbag

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I sat there, watching Calum beat up Trevor. Throwing punches in his face, making his nose bleed. He kicked him in the gut and where the sun doesn't shine. Trevor was curled up in a ball, next to the wall, lying on the ground, as Calum kicked him and punched him even more.

"Okay, Calum, that's enough," Luke said, getting up from his chair and walking over to Calum.

"Luke, back off, I don't want to hit you too," Calum said. Luke backed up with his hands up and walked back to his seat.

The three of us continued to watch Calum beat Trevor up against the wall, kicking, shoving, punching, until he stopped. He backed away and Trevor looked up at him, backing up.

"I'm done," Calum said. Trevor didn't say anything. He looked at all of us with fear in his eyes and then looked back up at Calum. Then, he got up and limped out of the room.

Calum turned around and looked at us. Luke was a little stunned.

"You okay, Calum?" Michael asked.

"I think you should ask him that," he said, sitting down next to me.


The final bell rang and we all got up.

"You guys wanna film a cover at my house?" Luke asked.

"Is Ashton gonna come?" Calum asked.


"Then we should all go," Michael said.

"Are you gonna come?" Calum asked me.

I shrugged, "I don't think you guys will need me".

"But we need our camera person," Luke said.

"Yeah, come with us," Calum said.

"Okay," I said. We walked out of the door to Luke's.


"What happened to Aleisha?" I asked. We were at Luke's sitting around the living room waiting for Ashton to show up.

"We're still talking and stuff, but she hasn't been at school recently because she has the flu," Luke explained. Ashton walked in with his cajon drum and set it next to the couch.

"Hey guys," he greeted.

"Hey," we all said in unison.

"What are we gonna sing?" Ashton asked. They all looked at each other waiting for someone to give an opinion, but no one spoke up, until Luke looked at me.

"Why don't you pick what we sing," Luke said, looking at me.

"Umm, I don't know. What about Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I like that song," Michael said.

"Yeah, okay. I'll go get the camera and microphone," Luke said as he got up and walked upstairs.

We made small talk with each other and Luke came back down stairs with a camera and a microphone.

"I think my brother took the good ones," he said, plugging it in the outlet.

"That's fine," Ashton said. Luke put the camera on the tripod and sat next to us.

"Okay, I'm not gonna take the time to edit this one unless someone else wants to edit. Is that okay with you guys?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, that's fine," Calum said.

"Alright, then. Michael, you can borrow my guitar, I'll go get it," he said getting up and going upstairs.

"Luke seems a little tense, is everything okay with him?" Ashton asked.

"He might be a little traumatized from Calum's fight," Michael said.

"I wasn't just gonna let what he did go," Calum said.

"What happened?" Ashton asked.

"Some kid beat up Y/N so Calum got revenge," Michael said.

Ashton gave me a confused look.

"He beat his ass up," Michael said.

"Don't curse," Ashton scolded.

"I'll do what I want, I'm punk rock," Michael said.

"No you're not," Calum said, laughing. Luke came in and handed Michael an acoustic guitar. He sat down and the room fell silent.

"You ready guys?" I asked.

"Yeah," they said in unison. I got up and got behind the camera. They all sat up straight and Luke gave me a head nod. I clicked the red, "Record," button and Michael started playing the guitar while Ashton started drumming.  

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