With An Unfinished Song

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Cal's P.O.V.

We walked in the slightly intimidating building that had silver letters saying, "Capitol Records," on the pure, white building.

"May I help you?" the secretary asked us.

"Umm, we're here to talk to someone about signing a contract?" Luke said, but it sounded more like a question.

"Oh, you're 5 Seconds Of Summer?" they asked.

"Yes," Ashton said with confidence.

"Oh, okay. Cayden will come and speak with you about that then," they said.

"Cayden, 5 Seconds Of Summer is here for their appointment," they said into their headset. Then, a man wearing a blue and white checkerboard button up shirt walked towards us.

"You must be 5 Seconds Of Summer," he said, shaking our hands. We nodded our heads and he lead us into a room with two couches, a table in between. He sat on one of the couches and we all sat on the other.

"Alright, do you have the recorded songs?" he asked.

"Umm, yes, but we couldn't finish the last one," Luke explained.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"We thought they had two more days," Ashton said.

"Well, three songs in three days. That is still very impressive," he said, "may I hear the songs?"

Liz handed him the CD's. He took them and walked over to a computer. He put on of the CD's in and it started playing. It was, "Unpredictable." His foot moved up and down to the beat. The song ended and he ejected the CD, putting in another one in. It was, "Gotta Get Out." Then, he played, "Out Of My Limit."

"These songs are really good," he said, sitting back down.

"Thank you," we said in unison.

"You guys are good. You could be something. If you bring me one more song in by," he paused, "tomorrow at three in the afternoon, we might have a contract for you guys."

"Really?" we all asked.

"Yes, really."

"Well, we would be... honored. Thank you so much," Ashton said.

"No problem," he said.

We got up and walked out of the room. My phone started ringing, it was Y/N.

"Damn it, I forgot she was getting discharged today," I thought to myself.

"Hey, Y/N," I said.

"Hey, Cal. Umm... Can you pick me up from the hospital? My dad's at work," she explained.

"Yeah, of course. It'll have to be about half an hour though, I'm not home. I'm sorry," I said.

"Oh, no. It's all good. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, love you."

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now