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Calum's P.O.V.

"Why does he have to ruin everything, idiot," I thought as I saw Luke. He tackled Y/N and she fell.

"Luke! What the hell?" I yelled.

Y/N got up and started coughing a little bit.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm all good," she said.

"Hey guys, didn't expect to see you too here," he said.

"What're you doing here?" I asked him, my tone was a little more aggressive than I intended it to be, but I couldn't care less right now.

"I came with some friends, they're over there, but I just thought I'd say hi," he said.

"Well, you said hi, so..." I said.

He glared at me and turned to Y/N, "how's my princess doing?"

"She's not yours," I said.

"She's not yours either, back off," he said.

Y/N just stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Luke, I want to talk to you," I said. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Y/N.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" I asked him.

"I could ask you the same thing. I know you guys aren't together yet so stop being so protective of her. She can date whoever she chooses to, you don't own her," he said.

"I know that, but you don't have to interrupt us during our conversation".

"Some conversation, you were standing there for like five minutes, not saying anything," he said.

"That's it!" I said. I swung my arm back, but something stopped me from swinging. I looked over, it was Y/N.

"Guys, no, you're not gonna fight," she said, standing in between us.

"Uhh- Luke, I think your friends want you," she said pointing to a group of people from our school.

"Yeah, I should go, I'll see you at school, Y/N," he said as he walked away.

"What the hell happened between you two?" she asked.

"He just... ugh... I'm sorry, Y/N. But it just bothers me whenever he just thinks he can barge in the middle of things like that," I said.

She sighed, "I get it".

"You... do?" I asked.

"Yeah, I used to like this guy, but my friend was so clingy towards him and interrupted everything. So, yeah, I know what it feels like," she said.

"Thanks... for making me feel... better," I said.

"You want to get out of the water?" she asked.

"Yeah, let's go," I said as we walked to the umbrella.

"Do you really talk about me to your family?" she asked as we sat back down in our chairs.

"Uhh- yeah," I said.

I really wanted to tell her what I was thinking, of course I'd talk about her to my family. I think I loved her. She's beautiful in every way. Of course I'd be jealous if some other guy came up and talked to her, I knew she wasn't mine, but...

"Hey, where'd Mali's stuff go?" she asked, interrupting me from my thoughts. I looked at the small table. All of Mali's stuff was gone.

"I'll call her," I said, getting out my phone and dialed her number.

It rang a few times before she picked up.

"Where are you?" I asked her.

"Oh, I left with Brendon and Isla to get some stuff for a party," she said.

"Well, will you be back soon?"

"Yeah. You know, you should really use your permit. Anyway, I got to go," she said as she hung up.

I put my phone back on the table and sat down.

"She'll be back, she went to get some stuff for a party or something, I don't know, I don't really listen to her," I said, leaning back in the chair.

"Why? She seems like a great sister," she said.

"She's really... overly concerned about who I should date and who I should hang out with," I said.

"Umm... D-does she think I'm... okay?" she asked, nervously. She was so cute when she was nervous.

"She was a little skeptical at first, since we haven't known eachother for a long time, but after telling her a few things, she loosened up a bit," I said.

"Why is she so concerned? Usually, an older sister wouldn't care about her brother... at all".

"Well, I have a bad past when it comes to girls. I've dated a few, and one of them was just using me to get her old boyfriend back. Another one just wanted to have sex, and the last one was using me to buy her things," I said.

"Oh... that sucks. I don't understand why people think it's okay to do that. Just use people for things. It's seems so... desperate, I guess," she said. God, I loved her.

"Yeah, I wouldn't ever do that to someone. I can't stand people who do that stuff".

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