Back to America

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Calum and I went back to his house once school was over.

"What a nerd. I guess he really wants that Harvard scholarship," Calum laughed. I showed him the note that Trevor gave to me and he gave it back to me.

"I think I should... go back home," I said.

"You... want to?" Calum asked me.

"I think so. I mean, he might've chilled out a bit... Hopefully," I said.

"Well, if that's what you want. I guess you should try talking with your dad," he said. "I'm gonna miss having you around, though".

"We'll have to cuddle again some other day," I said, looking up at him.

"I'd like that".


I got my stuff and walked to my house. When I walked in the house, I saw a bunch of boxes filled with stuff.

"Dad?" I called. He came rushing into the living room.

"I was worried about you," he said. "If you were really worried about me, you would've tried to contact me," I thought.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"We're moving, remember?"

"We are? No we're not, you haven't even gotten a realtor to check out the house so we can sell it," I said.

"We're not selling it, we'll come back. But, we're just going to move back to America for a while and only come here for vacation," he explained.

"I hate that. There's no reason why we have to move back," I said, raising my voice a little.

"Well, you should've thought about that before you had an unfamiliar guy sleep with you," He said.

"We didn't even have sex".

"Of course you guys did. A high school student who has no control of his benefits-"

"No! We didn't have sex. Listen to me for once. I'm going to bed," I said, walking off to my room and slammed the door behind me. There weren't any sheets or blankets on my bed, so I was just laying on my bare mattress.

"I'm not moving," I thought.

"I'm not going back to America," I thought.

"And I am not losing Calum".

I got out of bed and got out my backpack. I looked in my closet and grabbed all the clothes that were left which were a three pairs of pants, a hoodie, and four shirts. I walked out of the closet and went around the room, picking up everything I could find and stuffing it in my bag.

"It's time to get out of here".

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