Clifford and Romances?

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Calum's P.O.V.

I was so happy when she said she would go on a date with me. And if we're going on a date, are we just "hanging out dating" or are we "dating," or are we actually DATING? I think I'm overthinking this...

"Cal, you okay?" Y/N asked.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I kinda spaced out," I said.

She laughed a little, "yeah, I get what you mean".

"Well, here's my class. I'll see you after," she said with a smile.

"See you," I said as she walked in the band room.

I walked into the band room and Michael was sitting in his usual spot.

"You look disgustingly happy," Michael said.

"Well, Y/N and I aren't just hanging out. No, no, no, we're going on a date," I said.

"Look at you, getting someone without stalking them. Good for you, Calum Hood".

"I didn't stalk anyone," I said, defensively.

"Then why... You know what, not important right now. So are you too dating, like officially?"

"I don't really know... I have an idea for our date though," I said.

"Oh, really? I'm surprised. What is it? Just a walk in the park watching the sunset or something like those romance movies?"

"She's special, I'm not gonna do something clichè or anything, and how would you know what scenes in romance movies look like?"

"Uhh- who know's just a guess," he said.

"Yeah, sure," I said sarcastically.

"Do you know how you're gonna get to wherever you want to go?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I could take you guys. I have my liscence".

"How? I didn't even think you had a permit," I said.

"I have people who owe me a lot. No need for any details," Michael said.

"Do I have to pay you?"

"If you want to, I'd be glad to take your money, but you don't have to, I guess," he said.

"Thanks, Michael. Never thought you'd be so helpfull," I said.

"Well, I don't want people asking me for favors so this is only a one time thing because I know you like Y/N a lot," he said.

"Thanks," I said.

"Don't mention it".

From Afar// Calum Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now