Where They Went

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Calum's P.O.V.

I went home after Y/N fell back asleep. Y/N's dad sat in her room after I left. Now, I was at Luke's. It was just the guys with some pizza at three in the morning.

"Okay, I think if we edit this by the end of the day," Luke began, but yawned, "we'll be able to record Out Of My Limit tomorrow and we can write and record another song," he finished.

"I'm tired, I'm taking your bed," Michael said, heading upstairs.

"Fine, but don't wake us up demanding for waffles in the morning or I swear to god, I'll kill you," Luke said, curling up in the corner of the couch with a blanket covering him.

"I'm gonna go home. I'll see you guys later," Ashton said as he grabbed his stuff and headed upstairs. I looked around, Luke was already asleep and there were two empty pizza boxes on the floor.

"Guess I'll just sleep on the floor," I muttered.


"You're guys are still sleeping?" I heard Ashton ask. I opened my eyes and rolled over to see Ashton standing in the middle of the room.

"What time is it?" I asked in a groggy voice.

"Like, one in the afternoon," he said.

"Where's Michael?" I asked.

"Probably still sleeping," he said as he sat down next to me. I rubbed my eyes and unlocked my phone to see I had a text from Y/N.

Y/N: How's recording going?

I replied.

Cal: We got Out Of My Limit recorded last night, but we still need to edit it, record Unpredictable, and write and record another song. So stressful.

She responded immediately.

Y/N: Aw, I'm sorry :( Wish I could be there.

I smiled to myself.

Cal: Wish you here too.

Luke's phone began to ring. He groaned and answered it, not opening his eyes.

"Hello?" he asked. I couldn't hear what was going on on the other line.

"What?" he asked, practically jumping off the couch.

"No, but where?" he got his shoes on. He ran up the stairs, ignoring us. We heard the front door close and Ashton and I exchanged confused looks on our faces.

"Let's go wake up Michael," he said after a few seconds of silence. We got up and walked up to Luke's room.

I opened the door.

"Wake up Mikey," Ashton said. No response. We walked closer to the bed, but no one was there.

"Michael?" I asked, looking around the room. No response.

We looked around the house, but he wasn't anywhere.

"I'll call him," Ashton said. He dialed his number and put it on speaker. The call went to voicemail. Ashton texted him, but he didn't respond.

"Let's go to his house," I suggested.

"Yeah," he said. We got into his car and he drove to Michael's house.

We got out of the car and knocked on the door. Michael's mum answered the door.

"Who are you two?" she asked.

"Umm... I'm Calum and this is Ashton. We were wondering where Michael was," I said.

"Oh, he's in his room. Would you like to talk to him?" she asked.

"Yeah," Ashton said.

"Okay, but not for too long. He's... in trouble," she said.

"Okay, thanks," Ashton said.

"Trouble?" I thought. We walked to Michael's room and opened the door. He was lying on his bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, this is technically my house," he said.

"You didn't stay at Luke's?" Ashton asked.

"Obviously not," he said with a little attitude in his voice.

"Did something happen?" I asked.

He sighed, "my parents found out about the jail thing, and now I'm grounded like a fucking 12 year old."

"Language," Ashton said.

"How are we supposed to record?" I asked.

"I don't know, Calum. I. Don't. Know. And I don't think we'll be able to," he said loudly.

"Okay, chill out. We can make this work," Ashton said.

"How? How will we make this work? If I stay here the whole time, we can't record the part where I sing," he said.

Ashton sighed, "it'll be fine. We can bring the equipment here."

"No, we can't. I can't have any friends over, my phone got taken away, I can't do anything," Michael said.

"Boys, it's time for you to go," Michael's mum said.

"Okay, we'll see you later," I said. Michael's mum walked off and we walked towards the door.

"Hey. Be at Luke's house at eleven," Michael said softly, but loud enough for us to hear.

"Alright, see you," Ashton said.

We walked out of the house and got in the car.

"Is Michael going to sneak out?" I asked.

"Knowing him, he will," Ashton said, starting the car and driving past houses.

"Call Luke," he said.

I obeyed and got out my phone. I dialed his number, and he answered after a few rings.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked.

"Aleisha's. She's moving in a couple weeks, and I'm helping her pack. I'll be back around ten, okay? Okay, bye," he said and hung up.

"Well, he's helping Aleisha move and he'll be back around ten," I said.

"Where's your house?" he asked.

"Next block, and take a right," I said.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

"Where are you going?"

"To take a nap."

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