Chapter 27 - "Appointments..."

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Chapter 27 - "Appointments..."

Clara's PoV

'You realise the pair of you get married in three weeks? He can't spend the next three weeks on the sofa' Lilly scoffed.

'Who says there is still a wedding to be had?'

'Oh don't be like that Clara. We all know the two of you will get married. This is just a blip' Lilly explained. 'He says things all the time without thinking' she huffed.

'I won't be peer pressured Lil. He practically accused me of lying to him and still making him have sex with me whilst deceiving him. The best part about this accusation is what sex? There's no time for sex. I can't even tell you the last time we had sex' I said as she winced.

'You and me both'

'Oh please. Don't try and tell me that you and Richard aren't still sleeping together. We all caught you the other day. Living together or not - the pair of you still love each other' I snapped rudely.

'Did you want support for this appointment or would you rather me walk away?' She snapped right back but she was right too.

'I want the support' I hummed, as the two of us headed to my car.

'Then don't mention my private life' she scoffed.

'Oh come on Lil. You can't hide it forever. You two are made for each other. What was the stupid argument even about?' I mumbled.

'You won't be surprised to know that I'm feeling the exact same as you' she sighed. 'So don't do what I did. Don't throw him out' she said slouching in the car.

Everyone was in school other than Avia because she was till suffering with the chicken pox. She was in the last 24 hours of infection and would soon be back at school - but I figured she could stay at home on her own for two hours. She is 10 not a baby.


'I wanted another child Clara. I asked him. I practically begged him. He said he wasn't overly interested. It's because he's got two kids. Evie is his. He has a son and a daughter... I don't. But I can't do this on my own'

'Im sorry lil. I'm sure he'll come round'

'Well he hasn't come back yet has he? It's been months'

'You've been sleeping together' I pointed out.

'Maybe but if he was interested he would have agreed. He knows what I want and how I feel. You've got the opposite problem to me - but take it from someone who has had several miscarriages... it doesn't get any easier so you may as well rip off the band aid' she explained.

I didn't really know much about Lilly and Richards past.

But what I did know was that it was complicated. That he had stood by her through all the IVF and that they had between them had about three miscarriages. For some people it is just hard.

'It might not be easy but we'll get you through this' Lilly smiled supportively. But I knew it was going to be harder than that.

- - -

'Still on the sofa then mate?' Richard smirked as he came in to the office - paper work in hand as John was having a kip on the office chair.

It was much more comfortable than the sofa.

He couldn't even go down to the spare bedroom in the basement because all the shit from the loft was in there at the moment with the building works about to begin.

It would be easier to just sleep in the car than dig through all that.


'She not forgiven you yet?'


'It was a stupid thing to say' Richard hummed sitting down next to John and started typing on the computer that he wasn't currently using.

'Was it? I'm beginning to think it was true? We've been having unprotected sex for 6 months. Something should have happened by now surly?'

'Not if there's a problem'

'Why would there be a problem? Anyway you've got no room to talk. You were just as harsh to lilly'

'There is a difference. Why won't you do it? She just wants another kid' John scoffed.

'Yeah. Well I can't go through all that pain again. It was awfully painful. I can't go back there and do it again. I have a son. I have a daughter. End of the story' he sighed.

'And what's one more kid? You could afford it' John snapped.

'Yeah well you was just ride'

'Well the poor woman no more than a year ago now had a miscarriage. You forget how hard that is on women. Take it from someone who knows - Lilly had a few and they were awful. To have something and then loose it. Plus this baby was still born. It was literally like loosing a baby' Richard tried to explain.

'Maybe I should have gone with her to that appointment?'


'She has one with the health clinic today. Must be to do with it because it was a last minute booking. She forgets that our health care is private and that I get all the emails and updates'

'If she didn't ask you then she didn't want you' Richard mumbled.

'I just want another kid so much. None of my kids are babies anymore. I mean Avia will be 11 soon for crying out loud. In secondary school and a proper teen. Plus Evie isn't much behind her'

'If your having another kid every time a kid turns into a teen - then it's going to be a long life' Richard smirked.

'No you idiot. Not that far. I just want another baby. While I'm still sort of young. Well while I am still young. Whilst it's still possible'

'I understand what your saying... I just think that you need to take Clara's thoughts and feelings into this. She's a woman who has been through a lot. If she doesn't want another kid yet - then let her have some time'

'It's not that Richard. It's the lying'

'She's not lying' he yelled.

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