Day 48

73 2 4

September 8th, 2009

After school that day, I wasn't feeling like going home. I wasn't feeling like taking the bus with Waliyha in the back with her friends, laughing at me. So I walked in the streets, my bag over my shoulder. And I looked at everyone I was crossing the path. They all seemed happy, or at least... Not too bad. Not as bad as I was. 

I couldn't saw Eli anymore. Not with Derek turning around us like that. She didn't wanted to let him go, so she choose him. That's all. And I deserved it. I knew I deserved it but it was still hurting. And I knew, just by seeing them, that they'd end up together. It was sure. I just didn't wanted to be there to see this happened. Because I knew I would survived. 

As I was walking in the street, I saw Mark, coming in the opposite way. We didn't had talk since... A long long time. It was weird not to talk to him anymore, we were like brothers before. He looked at me and... He smiled. This was strange. At school, not a sign, nothing at all. But then, in the middle of a lonely street... He was smiling at me. 

- Hey, Zayn !

I probably looked surprised but... I didn't taught we would talk again. I taught he was hating me way too much for that. 

- Hey, Mark.

- How you're doing ?

- I'm... I'm fine. 

A lie. Because I wasn't fine at all. I had destroyed my own happiness. 

- I'm sorry, he said after a silence.

- For what ?

- I took my cousin's part, in that case. 

- I can understand, it's your cousin.

- Yeah but... You're my best friend. I shouldn't had let you down. 

- You're all forgotten. 

We smiled at each others, before he asked me if I wanted to go at his house. I accepted, because... I really wanted to just have fun like before, with him. And we didn't had a moment playing video games together in a while. So we walked home, we talked about the new teacher we had in common and homework we didn't understand. All those stuff that's not so important. Just superficial things. 

Until we sat on his couch, a remote in our hands. Then it changed. Slowly, but it changed. Just as if the game could put us on a sphere where there's only us and our secrets.

- For real, how you're feeling ?

- Alone.

I shoot on two zombies, before starting to walk again.

- You have someone ? I asked, looking at him with the corner of my eyes. 

- No... But there's that girl of my drama class... She won't go away !

- Oh, luckyyyy !

We laughed and silence went back. There was only the sound of the speakers. 

- Don't hurt her again, Mark said, looking at me. I never saw her that bad. And I don't want it to happen again. She deserved to be happy.

- I won't, I swear. 

He smiled and looked to me. We stared at each others for a while, before starting to laugh, for no reason.

- It's good to have you again, I said.

And it was. 


Yeaaaaaah ! I have wi-fi even at my grand-parents house, so I can update the story ! I hope you enjoyed it ! xx

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