Day 187

21 2 0

January 25th, 2010

That day, I decided to go to the group therapy by myself. I didn't informed anyone, only Kate knew, because she was always stuck to my feet. I was the first one to get to the room, except from the therapist. She was placing chairs, stopping when she saw me.

- I'm glad you came back today, Zayn.

- Thought it could be great...

- It sure can't do bad.

I smiled a bit and helped her with the chair. As we were doing that, teenagers started to fill the room and, by the beginning of the session, we were fifteen. The therapist stood in the middle of the circle of chairs, looking to each of us one on one. 

- I'm going to present myself for the new, I'm Jordan. I'm working in there since ten years and it's the most incredible job in the world. 

- You're serious Jo ? Hearing teenager's way back to hell is sure entertaining !

- The nice part is seeing them going back to the light, Erica. 

The Erica girl started to laughed and I looked at her. She seemed in a way too good shape to be in there. She was probably here since a while. The only thing that was showing everyone that she had suffer was her marks on her wrists. I looked down to mine, I had hid them that day. I don't know why, I just wasn't feeling like showing everyone that I was hurt. 

- Today, I want you to think about something you're glad that it happened. Those who would want to share it will just had to stand up. 

Erica stood up quickly and I heard a few laughs. She was surely well-known in there and always that way, self-confident and all that stuff. 

- The one thing I'm glad that it happened is when my brother was born. That helped me getting back on the road and fighting to get out of here as soon as possible to see him and hold him in my arms and show him every bad trick I know. 

I found myself smiling when she said the last thing and other people laughed. That Erica girl was surely good with public. 

A couple of people stood up, talking about random stuff. It was quite nice actually. And I found myself liking this session. 

After almost everyone said what they were glad it happened, there was a silence planning in the room. I stood up, impressing myself for doing that.

- Want to share something Zayn ?

- I want to share what I'm glad it happened. I'm glad my sister wrote me a letter, two days ago. It may seems like nothing to some of you, but for me... I needed that. I was sure she was hating me for what I did to myself and she wasn't. That was all I needed. And knowing she was missing me just made me want to go home even more.

- Thanks for sharing Zayn.

Then, everyone started to cheer. 


So, what are you guys thinking ? I like it ! ^^

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