Day 57

90 2 4

September 17th, 2009

I woke up that morning, Safaa in my arms. I needed to be careful, because she needed some sleep. I kissed her on the cheek before getting out of her room. She was staying home that day, with my mom that time. I came down to eat, then put some clothes on. And I walked up to school, because I wasn't feeling like seeing Waliyha that much. I don't know, she was just looking at my weirdly and it was getting on my nerves.

I arrived way too early in the class. But I didn't mind. I let my bag fall in the floor and put my notebook on my desk. I drew Safaa, because I was still a bit worried for her. I was stuck in my taught, when the bell rang. I didn't mind at all. I wouldn't be able to follow the class, anyway. It's only when I felt someone sitting next to me than I got back into reality. It was Elizabeth and she was looking at me worried. A lot. She had let her hair curly and I knew that she had run to came to school. She had red cheeks and was still a bit searching for air. 

- You're late, miss Anson...

I said that with an half smile, getting back into my drawing. 

- I was at your house, idiot.

My head went up in less than a second. And I looked at her. Maybe more starred at her, but whatever. 

- You... what ?

- I was at your house. You weren't answering your texts. And you missed two and a half days of school. So yeah, I was a bit worried. 

- But I'm OK.

- I can see that. 

She seemed a bit angry over me. And I couldn't understand why. Maybe it was because I hadn't answered her texts. I threw her a paper telling her that, and she only wrote a small "Yes". At least, I knew why. 

I came back home during lunch time that day. I wanted to see Safaa. And I found her in front of the TV screen, Doniya sleeping by her side. I watched half an hour of cartoons, before kissing her cheeks and getting back to school. The afternoon was a bit better. At least, I knew that Safaa was better and I knew that Eli had been worried about me. 

I texted her that night. After seeing the hundreds she had send me the two days before. In fact, she was really cute worrying about me. I was liking that. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't had time to look at my phone for a couple of days"

"Not even a minute or two ?"

"No I was... busy"

"Busy with what ?"

"Taking care of Safaa"

"Why ? What did happen ? Is she alright ?"

I laughed when I saw that text. Safaa was sleeping in my arms, her head against my chest.

"Yeah, she's better"

"I'm glad to read that !"

I couldn't help but smile. Elizabeth was doing the exact same thing as a year ago. She was worrying for me. And this made me think that... Maybe we still had a chance.


So, I don't like that entry at all but... What could I do, this is life ! 

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