Day 82

53 2 1

October 12th, 2009

I woke up the next day, still in Mark's bed. I felt a bit bad when I get out of his room and saw him sleeping on the couch. I went next to him and shook a bit his shoulder.

- Hey, time to get up, mate.

He grumbled and I threw him a pillow on the face. "All right, I'm getting up !" he said while laughing, throwing me back the pillow. He get up on his feet and I knew by the light in his eyes that I needed to run. Which I did, laughing while getting upstairs. He wrapped his arms around my waist as we went in the kitchen and I grabbed his head under one of mine. Luckily for us, there was no one home. Because we broke the flowerpot while fighting. 

- You can go dress with my stuff and take a shower while I clean everything.

I smiled and get downstairs again, in Mark's bedroom. I took some college clothes in his closet, before walking up to his bathroom. I tried not to be long in the shower, but I think I was, because I saw him putting everything for breakfast on the table as I went back into the kitchen. He even had the time to change himself. 

- Can you lock the door when you'll leave ? He asked me while grabbing his bag pack.

- I don't need a breakfast, you know, I can leave now and walk with you up to scho...

- I mean... We can't leave at the same time. 

- Why ?

- Eli's there. 

I knew he was lying, I could always tell when he was. But I just nodded and he went outside. I ate the breakfast he had made, only a bit, throwing the rest on the trash. I was feeling alone again and the pain went back. It was harder to contain it when no one's there to make you laugh.

I stopped by my house to get my stuff for school, because I knew there would be no one home. And there was no one home. I wasn't feeling like seeing my dad. Not now. 

I went to all of my classes. And it wasn't easy at all. Especially the science one. I was next to Eli and I could saw that she wasn't looking at me. I mean... More than normally. She was staring in front of her, not even at Derek. Who was smiling. I knew why things were like that at the end of the day. I didn't had my music, so I could her people talked as I was walking outside of the school. "He's cute, don't you think you ?" "Forget it, Em. It's the guy everyone's talking about, the one who slept with his ex's best friend." So, someone had told everything. I listened a bit more carefully, trying to know who started to say that. "Who told you that ?" "The girl is telling everyone ! I think her name's Jessica something..." I walked faster, I didn't wanted to know more. I made all the way up to my place in silence, trying not to think. I entered the house by the basement, running upstairs to lock the door. I still wasn't feeling like seeing anyone. I was still feeling like being alone. I pressed my back against the wall in front of the TV, I was able to see myself in the screen. I sat on the floor and I saw my tears rushing down my face. They were rushing fast. As fast as I was feeling my hear being ripped off my chest. I had ruined everything. Every single thing was ruined. I was a mess. 


So ? Good or not ? I have a rush of ideas for a couple of days, I think you guys won't like me a lot ! x)

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