Day 39

82 3 4

August 30th, 2009

First day of school for Safaa. I was only up that early for her. And because I had to buy new college clothes for myself. But I could have go during the afternoon, so it's not really because of that that I was awake. I ate a quick breakfast, then I jumped into the shower. I didn't take my time at all, I only wanted that day to be over. I put on some clothes, a black t-shirt with a jean. Same as the party's outfit. I walked with Safaa to school, which was only two streets away from our house. She seemed scared as hell when she saw the yard, full of people. She grabbed my hand, tightening a lot. I knelt down in front of her, looking in her eyes. 

- It's going to be OK, Princess.

- No, I'm going to get lost and... There's too much people Zayn ! I don't want to go !

She was freaking out, near to cry. I placed a strand of hair behind her ear, smiling at her. 

- I'll go find your teacher with you, OK ?

She nodded, quickly. I get back up and she hugged me really tight. We entered the yard and I looked to the teachers. They were all in a row in front of the doors, smiling like school is the best thing in the world. Well... I don't think so. I gave a glance to Safaa, who was looking totally terrorized. 

- What's your group number ? I asked.

- I... I don't know...

I took her bag, opening it. It was written on the front page of her notebook. Group 002. I gave her back her bag, she put it on her shoulders. She grabbed my hand again and I went up to the teachers. Finding easily hers. I had the same when I entered in school. She recognized me in less than a second when I walked up to her. 

- Zayn ! How are you ?

- Oh I'm good ! This is Safaa.

She was almost hide behind me. I found her cute. 

- Hey Safaa. Are you in my class ?

She nodded, a small move, something you can't almost see. I knelt down again, putting my hands on her shoulders. 

- I'm going to get you home, OK ? You'll see, time will pass very quickly !

She nodded again and I gave her a forehead kiss before walking away. I was feeling bad to leave her alone in there, but she would be OK. I knew she would. 

I after went to buy my clothes. It was the same thing as the year before. But I wasn't with my friends anymore. I was by myself. I finished quickly, I knew what I needed. Just before I was about to leave, I bumped in someone. 

- Sorry... I said, not looking anywhere but to my shoes. 

- It's... It's OK...

I looked up and saw Elizabeth. We stared at each others for a couple of seconds, before we both decided to walk away. It was probably better like that. But it hurt me to see her and to do nothing. To not hug her or something. 

When I get back to the primary school, I quickly saw Safaa in the yard. She was running after an other young girl and they were laughing. When she saw me, she screamed my name and ran into my arms. She hugged me really tight and started to tell me everything she did while we were getting back home. At least, my bad day resulted to her good one. It made me feel a bit better. 


The final is shitty, I know, but I can't find anything else ! I hope you guys still love  me ! xx

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